Its really easy to use this build
Thats it
Before you get the alternative current get a strombanner
1-alternative current
2-storm crown
4-defence (aegis or Metal jacket)
When builging in order make sure you have defence against the biggest threat.
Old cp build is dead,use this one to Lane and Jungle too.
Never dash towards the laner or jungler,always target the roamer,this will forced it to move away from his allies.
With such cooldown you can dash and kill easily,enemies will Use attlas pasive but its useless when everything you do is dash.
Combine your basic attacks and dash.
Use your ultimate when available.
Dash when destroying turrets or when realeasing the kraken,it will activate your aftershock.
Good Luck and Have fun,with this build I made it to Poa :) if you have any questions dont mind adding me IGN=FLUTTERSHY.
If you play Vox you only need to try this build to see how it works.
Cp Vox is now different from the old one,mages spam their abilities,and this build will make you mage instead of a Sniper.
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