Double Proc Taka !! by Dustee

Double Proc Taka !!

By: Dustee
Last Updated: Jun 11, 2016
1 Votes
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Build 1 of 1


Build: Proka

Ability Path

House Kamuha
Heroic Perk

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
Skye You are the best counter to her in the game, very burstable just try not to get caught in her abilities especially the stun on her ult but in general should be a push over.
  No Threat
  No Threat
Kestrel CP shouldn't be a problem as long as you don't get caught in a mist trap but the insta stealth on WP can be a problem so try and bully as best you can to prolong that stage of the game.
  No Threat
Catherine Her stuns and silences are difficult for you as a fairly ability based build/character.
  No Threat
Fortress As a roamer he is tough because his team wide speed boosts and such put a hurt down on you nimbleness and if you come up against him as a cp jungler bully him early game or its over for you.
Glaive If he builds tension bow, has vision on you and you don't dodge or block the stun off his after burns he can be quite deadly for you.
  No Threat

A Bit About Me Top

I am an NA player currently playing the role of jungle or roam for team HOODWiNK. I have been playing this wonderful game a few hours a day since December, 2015 and love continuing to better my skill at the game, trying out new builds and having fun playing with friends. Taka has been one of my favorite characters to play whether in the jungle or even in the roam role (you can check out FlashX's pro guide to roam Taka here Your text to link here...) after getting absolutely owned by someone on a Taka while playing my first main, Koshka. And with that lets hop into the guide!

Intro to Proc Taka Top

Proc Taka is all about the burst combo of your X-Retsu, basic attack the double proc off of Tension Bow and Aftershock, one or two more basic attacks until you can use your Kaiten to dodge a dangerous skill or ability then activating Kakau and getting out of there. After that you take advantage of your Kaku to gain some health back and reposition yourself to set up another combo. Personally it is my favorite way to play Taka because I feel it combines some of the burst of CP with some of the sustain of WP.

Early game Top

The early game is always tricky with Taka because I feel like he doesn't exactly start to shine until he gets his level six but I would say as soon as you get your Tension Bow around 4-6 minutes you can start putting down some heavy aggression especially in the jungle by the means of engagements and stealing away farm. Another tactic that will help you is picking up two defensive items with your 500 gold at first shop. This will make you immensely more tanky and help out your counter jungling cause although it does prolong your tension bow slightly I would say its worth it because of the amount of farm it allows you to steal. But you can't forget how much pressure you are also able to apply to lane by utilizing the immense ganking potential you possess. Even more emphasis should be placed here if you are facing a laner like Vox or Skaarf that suffers heavily from having pressure put down on the lane. To summarize the early game begin invading and pressuring as soon as you get your Tension Bow then redouble your efforts at level 6.

Mid Game Top

This is your time to shine as Proc Taka. You should have purchased your Aftershock by now so the burst off of your X-Retsu and double proc will be immense, your ability to stealth in an out of the enemies jungle should have you pretty fed, once you hit level 8 the overdrive on your Kaiten and its zero energy cost is a huge power spike, most characters won't be able to burst you down before you can Kaku away and then the overdrive on your X-Retsu also hit here will be a pretty large power spike. To utilize the immense power this build has at this stage in the game I try to stay infused throughout this entire portion of the game. I usually prefer a Crystal Infusion for the cool down reduction, extra health you gain during Kaku and the extra bite it adds to your X-Retsu and Kaiten. However if you are facing a tankier composition the attack speed and extra basic attack damage off of a weapon infusion might be more beneficial than burst boost off of the crystal infusion.

Late Game Top

If you play proc Taka right you really shouldn't even be reaching that hyper late game stage because the immense power spikes you receive throughout the late early game/midgame should allow you to snowball pretty heavily and take the win right around the 18 minute mark with a Kraken push around 15 and then some clean up work. Maybe even a sneaky backdoor? But if you do reach this late game stage I would advise you to be a bit more careful as your burst potential is going to start falling off a bit, especially the Tension Bow, and you won't be able to dive like you could because the enemy team will be able to focus you down much quicker. But if you do reach this stage try to just bide your time and be a bit more opportunistic when jumping on the enemy squishy rather than just barging right in like you could midgame. Also I have to recommend that I like putting more emphasis on being infused than really finishing your blazing salvo into any real item. But if you do have the opportunity to finish it as you can see above I would recommend either picking up a Bone Saw against a tankier comp or if playing against a squishier comp sell your blazing salvo and start working on a Clockwork because the decreased cool downs allow for more combos and you have a much larger energy pool for almost constant Kaku.

Situational Items Top

1.Fountain of Renewal: This is a great team utility item if you feel like you can skip the aegis/reflex block because you only need the dodge/block on your Kaiten to block the abilitys the enemy team is using on you. Another situation you could pick it up in is if the other team is all CP so you don't need your Atlas Pauldron or Metal Jacket. The final situation I would pick it up in is if you have a hyper carry on your team in which case you would be picking this up rather than your sixth offensive item. Also the passive on it and it component lifespring allow for pretty huge passive heals combined with your Kaku.

2.Shiversteel: This is an item you would really only pick up in two situations. You have a hyper carry like Skaarf or Black feather and you want to slow the enemy down for them and be a bit tanker so you pick it up instead of your sixth damage item. The other situation would be if you are facing a team comp that is all CP or WP and you feel you only need one armour or shield item so you want to pick this up as your second defence as you too can benefit from its added stickiness.

3. Broken Myth: This item can be picked up if you are going towards the CP side of proc Taka and feel like the cooldown from CP infusions and Aftershock are enough then BRoken Myth can be a great way to step up your cp damage and Kaku heals. Just try to pay attention to your stacks and wacht the insane damage a five stacked X-Retsu does.

4.Weapon Infusion: This should be picked up only when facing a very tanky comp that you need it's sustained damage boost for so most likely the same situation you would be picking up your sixth item Bonesaw in.

5.Metal Jacket: This should really only be picked up when dealing with a double WP comp after you got your Atlas already. You could also grab it instead of an atlas when facing a WP kestrel or Should because an atlas doesn't benefit you as much in these cases since both also have WP based skill shots so reduced attack speed really doesn't hurt them as much.

Heroic Perc: House Kamuha Top

Every 5 seconds, Taka's next basic attack is replaced with a Mortal Strike. Mortal Strikes deal 40 (+25% weapon ratio) bonus damage and grant Taka a burst of move speed. Whenever Taka Mortal Strikes or uses an ability, he gains a stack of Ki, which speeds up his Mortal Strike timer by 0.9 secs and grants 25% cooldown speed. (5 Ki stacks max.)

Taka's heroic perk is one thing that many beginning Taka players forget to take advantage of but if used right it can make a huge difference especially early game when the extra base damage and weapon ratio on his basic attacks along with the purchase of Tension Bow and its components as your first item(s). Ways to keep your Ki stacks at five are by basic attacking or using any ability on anything including enemy hero's or jungle minions. A final way to keep your stacks up is by using Kaku to get around but just make sure not to use Kaku unnecessarily. Just keep an eye on your stacks counter in the bottom left of the screen and pop your Kaku when the timer is about to reach zero.

Kaiten !! Top

Taka's A skill, Kaiten is one of the most powerful abilities in the game due to the fact that he can doge ANYTHING in the game with it while he is in midair. Yes I said ANYTHNG! That means you can negate anything from a Glaive After Burn to a massive CP Ringo Ult without even popping your reflex block which you will most likely need later on in the fight especially if you need to do some thing like sneak out of and Ardan gauntlet with it. Yet still the most common mistake I see beginner Taka players make is burn is Kaiten immediately after their X-Retsu for the arguably smallish damage it deals by itself rather than holding on to it for a bit longer to see if you need to block anything with it.

Pro Atlas Pauldons Top

Another commonly under used strategy with Taka is the Kaku to Atlas Pauldron initiation. The way this works is when you want to effectively initiate on an attack speed reliant carry ( Ringo Vox SAW )
you can hope into kaku box for the invisibility, get right on top of them, pop your Atlas Pauldorn then immediately initiate on the poor, useless, Atlas'd enemy team carry.

Outro Top

Thank you for reading my guide on Proc Taka I hope you both enjoyed it and learned some things about my favorite way to play Taka. As this is my first guide I would appreciate any type of feedback you guys have for me and feel free to ask any questions I will do my best to answer them. I hope to see you out on the Halcyon Fold!

(my ign is dustee, feel free to add me but I will probably only keep you in my friends list if you are Hotness or above.) :)

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