Glaive's Skills
Heroic Perk
Hunt the Weak
Glaive's critical strikes cleave in a cone in front of him.
Glaive rockets in the target direction, damaging all enemies along the way. His next basic attack is replaced by a frightening blast that knocks his target back 5.5 meters.
This move is key to this crystal build. It will be yourmain source of mobility, giving you the ability to zip around the map without effort.
Twisted Stroke
Passive: Increase critical strike chance and AOE cleave damage of basic attacks.
Activate: Instantly execute a critical strike. This deals weapon damage and is treated like a basic attack, but can deal bonus crystal damage if you have any crystal power. Cleave deals half damage to minions.
While in weapon builds,the critical strike is, well... critical, for this build, the bonus crystal damage is more important. On top of this, since the attack is treated as a basic attack, it will have extra added bonus damage from alternating current
Passive: Glaive will generate Bloodsong stacks from basic attacking or from receiving basic attacks. Each stack grants him bonus lifesteal. Max 20 stacks.
Activate: Swings Glaive's axe in a 5.4-meter circle, dealing massive area damage based on number of Bloodsong stacks used. This removes all stacks. Glaive also gains full stacks of Bloodsong whenever he dies.
While Bloodsong is not heavily reliant on crystal power, it is still an unfathomable powerful move. This move can help you turn the tide of a battle instantly,regardless of build.
First Pickups
The energy battery you buy will help keep your energy high while constantly using afterburn. Still, use it sparingly. For a roam path, use afterburn for peeling for squishy allies. Take your shop minions and possily the enemies, and then farm up. This build is relatively weak early game, so play it safe until mid-game, and focus on ganking enemy heroes.
All the farming has payed of. Your clockwork gives your the cool-down time and energy to zoom around freely with Afterburn. Use this to your advantage, ganking, peeling, and poking down your enemies. Prioritize squishy characters, like Skaarf, and burst them down. Do not stay in combat for too long, and spend most of your time right outside te enemies' range. If you can accomplish this, you should be fine.
As for the Lifespring, build it into a Fountain of Renewal. With the changes in Fountain, you must be in close proximity of your ally for the item to work. This plays perfectly into this buld, using Afterburn to jump to your ally, knock attacking enemies away, and use Fountain to heal the low-health ally. This is the same when building for a roam path.
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