Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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Ardan |
Ardan is one of the weakest heroes against a cp saw as his abilities do nothing to prevent SAW from going beast mode on his team mates. |
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Gwen |
Gwen is too squishy without enough damage potential to be a threat to a SAW |
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Petal |
One word= potato |
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Reim |
A krul without the burst speed |
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Alpha |
Alpha...... let's just say he's one of the weakest against a cp saw. Alpha will never be able to use his ultimate with your dank shanks and can easily kill him when he's tying to reboot with a friendly suppressing fire or few shots of your ult. |
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Joule |
As long as you reflex those jumps, a joule can't do anything, and you will be able to melt her down quickly, being as she's initiating the fight with her jump. |
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Ozo |
There's a reason you don't see ozo. As long as you have okpositioning and block his ult he can't hurt you |
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Blackfeather |
Dank shank, suppressing fire, dank shank.... enough said about this hero |
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Ringo |
Well, ringo tried to be a pesky hero by bursting u with wp or cp, but he's no match for a cp saw |
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Krul |
If the sword doesn't make contact with you, you win. |
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Adagio |
From the early levels, adagio can be a pain, constantly poking and dealing small chunks of damage at a time, but as soon as you get your shatterglass , as long as you land your abilities, you will be able to melt adagio quicker than he can melt you. |
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Samuel |
Obviously Samuels heroic perk keeps him sustained in lane against a cp saw and his abilities do damage, as long as your not the front line, Samuel can't do anything against you. Make sure to block those oblivions! |
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Skye |
Early game can be a pain with the constant barrages to the face. Late game however she can't dodge your ult and shanks |
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Vox |
Vox, the hero which can most easily dodge the suppressing fires can trigger you at times , but is no match for your range and shanks. |
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Glaive |
Glaive early game eats saws for breakfast with his deadly afterburn. But as long as you don't get caught out too much, he won't be able to do much. |
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Kestrel |
Kestrel has huge damage output.
Cp saw has tremendous damage output. |
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Baron |
Lvls 1-8 baron will make your life miserable, however once you get your core damage items, same with adagio, you will out damage him. |
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Skaarf |
Lots of damage potential can come out of a skaarf, but as long as your not suppressing fire in the goops, your fine. |
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Taka |
A hero that early game dominates, and has the ability to dodge your shanks, can be hard to deal with at times. Save your ult for the taka who will try to burst you down, but be surprised to be bursted instead. |
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Koshka |
Koshkas burst potential is huge and early to mid cam burst you down quicker. Unexpected ganks can result in koshka stunning you and being locked out from fights, however as long as you make it to late game she has nothing on you. |
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Celeste |
One of the heroes that actually if positioned well out do a cp saw in the mid/ pre late game. The key to winning this matchup is dominating before the Celeste can get to lvl 8, or playing defensive and not letting them snowball until you get your 4 main items. |
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Catherine |
Tremendous annoying supoort which whose stuns and silences can cost you the fight. As long as the silences are blocked you should be good. |
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Lance |
The biggest threat to a cp saw, not only can he knock you back when trying to shank, and his damage from his roots are huge, avoid him at all costs early to mid, and poke from afar. If he gets too cocky you can melt him with your lvl 2 ult. |
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No Threat |
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