Did you know a polar bear can eat up to 86 penguins in a single sitting? There. Now even if you hate this guide and want to find me and stab me for writing it (please don't), at least you can say, "I learned something today". Carry on.
Celeste is the most fun to play in the lane. This is not a matter of opinion, it's a fact. If you disagree you are wrong, just like all the other democrats (if you are a democrat, I sincerely apologize if that joke made you butthurt).
The nuking capabilities and ability to turn around team fights of Celeste stands unmatched this patch. Great CC, insane damage, epic ultimate - it's all there!
Dare you question me? I don't need to explain my genius to you muggles! JK my people.
This heroic is perfect for Celeste! The crystal damage in basic attacks eliminates the necessity of an Alternating Current, and the enemy location reveal screws up Taka's stupid little box he puts on himself. Who voluntarily puts a box over their head anyways? Taka must ride the short bus (bazinga).
Your bread and butter! Unless you don't like bread and butter. Then maybe biscuits and gravy or something. Anyways, max this out ASAP! Extra range and low CD are a must!!!
I only put four points into this, mainly because the extra half second of stun and lower CD are less important to me than the third point in your atom bomb (scratch that, let's call it a hydrogen bomb) of an ultimate.
Oh my **** this hits hard. Hard as me when I'm inside your mo- OK I won't say it, it would be too immature. Mom *snickers*. Anyways, I throw the third point into this one as this ability can be a game changer - in a team fight, this does serious damage, and can turn the tides of war. Also, it's fun sniping people from across the map and as they flee from your wrath.
George S. Patton once said, "The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."
Much like this, the build mainly focuses not on your own safety in a fight, but the ability to drop your opponents in seconds.
At the beginning of the match pick up an ENERGY BATTERY and two HALYCON POTIONS. This will allow you to cast Heliogenesis to your heart's desire. Head for the lane, and focus on farming hard for the first 5 minutes. Rush an EVE OF HARVEST and pick up SPRINT BOOTS right after. An Eve will give you some survivability and energy.
Following these, you can start building that CP! Start off with grabbing a SHATTERGLASS to make your abilities hit harder and lending more usefulness to the Eve.
At this point, your enemies would be smart to build some sort of shield defense. That is why a BROKEN MYTH is a great option. It contributes to overall damage output and has a bit of shield pierce. However, if you notice a lack of shield defenses on the other team, go ahead and buy another SHATTERGLASS. Then pick up the next tier of boots.
Super late game, grab another SHATTERGLASS, and a defence as the last item (for the lolz). AEGIS or METAL JACKET here.
If you are facing two or more melee heroes, replace a SHATTERGLASS with a FROSTBURN to keep em' off your ***.
A few tips for Celeste I have learned in my travels:
-Don't initiate a fight - YOU WILL DIE
-Your first ability provides vision - drop stars into bushes to avoid ganks (no face checks)
-You are a Kraken killing machine! Focus the Kraken with your first ability and drop that gigantic ****!
-Always focus a Taka! The earlier you kill him, the less chance you have of dying.
-It is entirely possible to jungle with Celeste. Just make sure to spend some time in the lane.
-Offense is your best defense. The more damage you do, the bigger the heals!
-Don't waste your solar storm. Know that you WILL land the attack.
-Keep your distance in fights!
-Above all else - STAY FROSTY
I will be updating this guide as I continue to learn and the updates roll out.
If you have any questions or are a butthurt democrat wanting to give me a piece of your mind, drop a comment and I'll do my best to respond!
Stay cool, my friends.
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