Yes, Broken Myth is very worthwhile. In the late game where most battles are around turrets, the Kraken, or the enemy's vain, Broken Myth pairs very well with the fact that Heliogenesis has less than a 1 second cool down with Clockwork. Try it out and see how fast you can pump out 500-600 damage Novas. I usually will stack it with another Piercing Shard or even another Broken Myth if gold is not a factor.
Is broken myth at all worthwhile if the enemy builds no shields? In Pretty Good, at least, hardly anybody ever builds shields, even if the opposing team is all or mostly crystal. I keep looking for an excuse to build this item but haven't found it yet.
I played earlier today, long marathon of a game, it ended at 38 minutes. I had 3 Shatterglass, Journey Boots, 2 Eve of Harvest. Talk about HELLA damage. CP 550 with 40% heals/attack and maneuverability to boot. I watched the enemy builds and there was no need for Broken Myth
I Like your build! I just got Celeste gonna try your core set up out first, I was curious about which end game item you would suggest replacing with a defense Broken myth or shatter? Personally I think I'd rather have shatter.
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I have a question: How do you do the Orange border around the titles? Can I have the code. Thanks.
put [ [ name ] ] with no spaces.
It does work :)
Wow, that's great! Thanks!
Great build Zekent! Does anyone know if Celeste's hero perk works with frost burn's passive?
It does work :)
Yep! I'm one of the devs at SEMC! :D
Zekent...weren't u a Dawngate dev?