Celeste(ial) hurricane by Dethfold

Celeste(ial) hurricane

By: Dethfold
Last Updated: May 21, 2016
1 Votes
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Build 1 of 1


Build: Build #1

Ability Path

Julia's Light
Heroic Perk
Core Collapse
Solar Storm

Why? Top

Sorry in advance for the lack of expertise with the links and icons.

Hour glass first because i feel it helps with early threats like Ringo, as i have a bit more energy regen and cooldown speed. This gets me more uses of heliogenesis faster, which can also be more novas to deal with a fast hitting ringo, hard hitting saw, or a minion adding petal. Plus the extra novas help with killing the minions and ensuring you get the last hit. When i have a good team i usually don't end up at the shop for the first time until i have around 1200-1500 gold. That gets me a crystal bit, first pair of boots, energy battery, and swift shooter. And maybe a couple potions if you want. I make frequent use of teleporting back to main base to heal my health and energy when they are low, the team generally have killed the enemy lane before i return, or i did myself, and they have to revive and push my minions all the way back to my first turret.

Tier up Top

The next phase is really all about getting ready to get all your tier 3 items.

So lately I've kind of really been mixing this one up a bit, and I'm still not really sure which is the best to go for first. So it's up to the individual. Once i get low on heath and or energy ill have around 1200-1500 gold again. So with one empty slot i get a second crystal bit. And the second pair of boots are a must. Then depending on what i have left ill tier up one other item, this is where I'm not sure which is the best to go with.

I'll either go for the spear and prism, to rush broken myth. Which i have been doing lately.

Or I'll tier up for a rush aftershock, shatterglass, eve of harvest, or alternating current.

But in this time i run out of energy frequently and return to base, so before i end up with the first tier 3 item I've gotten enriching i have already to tier 2, that is where my dilemma starts, is broken myth, aftershock, alternating current, eve of harvest, or shatterglass important first? That kind of depends on the entire team I've found out.


So i generally have everything tier 2, and one tier 3 by level 7 or 8. At this point I'm just buying more crystal bits, and either eclipse prism, or heavy prism in order to utilize my other tier 2 items to get my next tier 3 item. And usually have tier 3 boots by level 9. And my end game is usually broken myth, aftershock, alternating current, eve of harvest, journey boots, and shatterglass.


Now i could do the math of all the abilities abs everything with the items but i hate doing math so I'm not going to.

Instead I'll say this build has gotten me a great deal of wins especially when i have good teammates. But I've had plenty of losses too. Most of the time when a player quits before anyone even gets to lvl 2 or some such, or my allies don't help me out when all 3 enemies are in the lane. Some people i tell ya...I've stood toe to toe with a very well built krul. And won I've Also been decimated by one.

Yes she is fairly squishy, but that's why utilizing the lifesteal bonus from alternating current is a key factor, as is the extra 70%damage aftershock brings in as well as attack speed and life steal from eve of harvest, it's heliogenesis, rapid auto attacks(at least one after heliogenesis),then make a nova, anther basic ensuring the most from alternating current.

Also she can jungle. You can sell the contract in the mid or late game. One game i kept it and because of Nova hitting all the minions i was nearly always full of health as both teams were pretty much in the lane the whole time that was kinda cool.

And I've very nearly captured the kraken alone with this build but i seem to get hit that last time first.

And yeah, instead of shatter glass you can opt for whatever you think is best, or what fits the situation. And tornado trigger is super fun, her hadouken is so stupidly fast, plus you get to hit for like a whopping 15 physical crit damage lmao. But it's fun, try it.

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