Burst Taka Build (Crystal Build) by Celloguy12

Burst Taka Build (Crystal Build)

By: Celloguy12
Last Updated: Jul 26, 2015
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Build: Burst Taka

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House Kamuha
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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
Adagio X-Retsu pretty much negates most of his heal, and his ult can be countered with a well timed Kaiten. All in all not much damage he can do against you.
Petal Although her minions can do considerable damage, she's very squishy. Your ult will be doing lots of damage on her.
Celeste As long as you don't get hit by Core Collapse Celeste can't do much against you. Just make sure you avoid her stars of doom.
Skaarf be careful the afterburn damage of his abilities and the silence on Dragon Breath and he becomes a pretty easy target.
Ringo No escape except a slow combined with squishy stats and you've got an easy target. As long as he doesn't ult you or range grief you, your good.
SAW A Saw who doesn't know you're there or is low health is a pretty easy target. Just stay out of his sight and poke him until he recalls to base or dies. Avoid him when he is attacking you.
Fortress Fortress is a little situational. If he's the other team's support and has a team mate, then Taka stands no chance. If Fortress is alone, you can pretty easily take him out.
Taka Only way your gonna be able to kill him is if you have team mates helping you, he's low health, or he hasn't seen you. Don't try to do a 1v1 with him unless you have an advantage.
Koshka Use caution when going against a Koshka. Her burst can cause you severe pain and Yummy Catnip Frenzy can leave you stunned for a second or so in team fights. Unless she's alone and/or weak don't confront her.
Krul Never 1v1 a Krul unless your prepared your ready to escape. Be wary of the stun on his ult.
Vox Vox is a little different than other snipers. He has an escape allowing him to get out of tough situations. He also has a radar that can spot you in the bushes if he's paying attention. Finally he has a silence that can make you a sitting duck. On the flip-side. he's squishy and takes tons of damage from your X-Retsu.
Glaive Glaive's Afterburn can put Taka into very unfavorable positions. Late game Glaive is able to easily outbox Taka as well due to his moderately tanky stats and high damage output.
Joule Joule's Rocket Leap can leave entire teams stunned so it's no surprise that Taka has some difficulty with her. In team fights a well placed Rocket Jump can leave Taka in baaad positions.
  No Threat
Ardan Everyone hates Ardan's ult. For Taka it is especially painful to deal with, because Taka is very squishy, and his play style relies on him being able to escape after he strikes. Take away his mobility and he's a sitting duck.
Catherine Like Ardan, Chatherine's stun can quickly turn an alive and well Taka, into a dead one. Her Stormguard can also deal more damage to you then you did to her. Finally, her ult can leave you without your main escape for a while.

Overview Top

Taka is an assassin in Vain Glory that has unrivaled burst damage with a crystal build. He makes a fantastic jungler and has one of the best late-games in Vain Glory. (As long as he can farm effectively in the first 5 levels.) His ability to delete an opponent off the face off the Earth is what caused has caused many people, including me, to fall in love with him. Here is how I play Taka. Enjoy! :)

Why Crystal Build? Top

Some people prefer weapon Taka over a burstier Crystal Taka. While this can work, I find it often forces the Taka to stay in prolonged fights to deal any damage. Taka is about weaving in and out of battles, quickly taking out weakened foes or targeting priorities on the other team. These are often the snipers and mages. And again weapon Taka works for people, but it forces the player to get into boxing fights with people, and buy defense items that otherwise wouldn't be needed. Use weapon Taka when you already have 2 crystal heroes, or if the other team can't box at all.

General Crystal Taka Tips Top

Remember as Taka that you are an assassin, play like one! Taka shouldn't be going on the front lines and diving into 3 enemies alone. Use the jungle and bushes to your advantage. Stay hidden, and strike when your opponent doesn't expect it or is weak. Your job is basically to harass the other team and eliminate key targets. For example, your team is battling the opponent. The opponents team consists of a Ringo, Catherine, and a Krul. Who do you target? You target the Ringo. While the Krul can deal massive damage, if you can get multiple people on him he's screwed. Then you have Ringo who can deal massive amounts of damage a safe distance away from danger and can also provide some area damage with his ult. Finally as Taka keep your passive in mind, as its cool down acceleration can prove to be very useful.

Other Leveling Options for Taka Top

If your team is having a very difficult time, then getting the overdrive for Kaku can be worth it over the 3 levels of your X-Retsu

Explaining the Situational Items Top

The situational items are just what you are gonna be using for counter building. Each one is better in different situations. I will explain what ones are useful in certain situations.


Fountain of Renewal- The hybrid defense item that has a useful passive. Use this when the opponents main damage dealers have both considerable crystal and weapon power.

Aegis-The anti-crystal power that also has Reflex Block built into it. Use this when the damage dealers on the other team are mostly crystal. You can also use this when the other team has lots of easily countered abilities, such as Ringo's Hellfire Brew or Koshka's Yummy Catnip Frenzy.

Metal Jacket- Useful when the other team is reliant on weapon power.

Atlas Pauldron- Great when the other team is basic attack reliant and has high attack speed. (Looking at you Krul...) Also provides some weapon power protection.


Broken Myth- Use it when the other team is building high crystal protections.

Aftershock- Your ideal choice. Use it when the other team isn't building any crystal defenses.

Frostburn- The alternative to Aftershock. Very useful when the opponents have lots of escapes such as Joule's Rocket Leap or Vox's Sonic Zoom. Also useful if you are having trouble chasing people down.

Early game (Level 1-5) Top

Start the game off by buying Sprint Boots and 2 health potions. The boots help you rotate faster and the potions sustain you when jungling. After you complete all the camps your gonna want to either head to lane to gank the opposing laner or steal the enemy jungles camps. Be careful when stealing the camps.

During the early game you gonna wanna start farming for...

Clockwork- With your passive your gonna be able to ult every 5 seconds pretty much.

Heavy Prism and Eclipse Prism- These two items are basically just a start for your shatterglass.

During the early game your gonna wanna be especially careful. Taka isn't that great until level 6. In the very beginning you need to get level 2 as quickly as possible to get your Kaku. Your boots will help you get to jungle camps faster and rotate to lane faster, as well as provide a nice get away tool when needed. Until you get your ultimate your just gonna farm and support your lane. If the enemy is smart they will try to bully Taka out of the jungle and XP and gold starve him. Try to not let that happen if you can.

Mid Game Top

Once you get your X-Retsu your gonna be able to do some real damage. This is the period where your gonna start to neglect a little bit of your farm to gank and harass the enemy.

During this time try to get...

Shatterglass- This will give you a HUGE burst in damage on your X-Retsu and Kaiten.

Travel Boots- More reliable and frequent escapes.

Get some items started for Eve of Harvest

Situational Item- Now is a good time to start on your situational item. If your team is struggling or is equal to the opponent, start on the defensive item. If your team is doing pretty well go ahead and start on the offensive item.

The mid-game is when you are gonna wanna start ganking. Your gonna wanna keep farming but you will also need to start helping out your team. Do this by frequently ganking lane and setting scout traps near the gold mine and common hiding spots. If you encounter someone in the jungle, you need to quickly be able to assess whether you can 1v1 them. If you can't, either get some poke on them or run. If you can, try and kill them but always be ready to use Kaku to escape.

End Game Top

Taka's true damage output shines at this point of the game. Farm doesn't become very important at all, but kills and supporting your team do.

Save your money up for these items...

Journey Boots- These will be very useful. The speed and the active will allow you to catch up with people as well as escape from people.

Eve of Harvest- The life steal combined with an X-Retsu can allow Taka to be sustained in long team fights.

Finish up your first situational item

Once all other items are finished, just build up to your final situational item.

During the end game, your job is harass the opponent with pokes, or pick them off. During this time you are gonna want to save your Kaku for when you really need it for escapes. Try to stay relatively close to your team. If you find a lone Petal (For example) in the jungle, see if you can take her out. If things go sour just use Kaku or Journey Boots to escape. In team fights, you do NOT want to be in the thick of things for very long. You choose a target, use your combo, then you escape until your off cool down. Your target is the hero that is a most threat to your team and is dealing the most damage. NEVER target the other team's tank or support. (Unless it's Adagio) If you see a weakened opponent, pick them off. You should NOT be farming during this period.

Taka's Weaknesses. Top

Taka has some weaknesses that should be noted if you came here to see how to counter a Taka.

1. Taka is pretty much worthless in the early game. If he hopes to do anything during this period he needs a team mate helping him. Do not let him farm if you are the jungle. Harass him by invading and bullying him. Once you do that your gonna wanna XP and Gold starve him. Don't let him get all of his camps. If he wants XP or gold he'll have to risk his life by invading your territory.

2. Crowd Control. Any form of slow, stun, and silence is the bane of Taka's existence. Take relies on being able to escape when needed. When you silence him when he REALLY needed to use Kaku, you've got a dead Taka.

3. If you can beat him at his own game and surprise attack him it's possible to kill him. He's very squishy and it just needs you to be able to kill him/stun him before he can use Kaku.

4. Don't be alone during the mid and late game. ESPECIALLY during late game. A Taka will likely not be able to take you out if your surrounded by team mates. If he wants to take you out he has to risk his life.

5. Play safe. If you are at 25% health or below, PLEASE do not stay. Not only does it allow the other team to take you out very easily, it becomes especially easy for a Taka as he can literally teleport to you with X-Retsu and then use Kaku to escape. It's that easy and simple.

5. Burst Taka is called burst Taka for a reason. He has no sustain. Once he uses all of his abilities on someone he can't do anything until he's off cool down.

Thanks for Reading! Top

Thank you for reading my guide. It's my first one so feedback is really appreciated. Anyways have a great day! :)

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