Hi nice guide again. I would highly recommend you get a Contraption or Scout Trap at early game. It synergises well with Flicker 's B ability. When slowed, it is very easy to land a mind in the direction your enemy is going. The damage got me a 19-2-7 KDA. I was a full roam. Seriously though, he cab basically land those mines everywhere unnoticed much like full crystal Kestrel. I like all heroes with stealth such as Taka and Kestrel and Flicker. I never tried use those 3 as a team though. Hope my tip helps.
Scout Traps are best used for vision, as the CD for Contraption is decently long and can only hold up to 3 charges at once. If you want to do more damage, I would suggest an Eve of Harvest of Shatterglass instead of using Scout Traps to try and do damage. Remember, the purpose of a captain is not to get kills and steal gold from your allies, but to support them so your whole team gets stronger, and not just yourself.
I feel like this sort of constant invisibility (at no mana cost) is, in a way, a new change that players might have to accommodate to. Flicker just gets invisibility for sitting in bush, and later in the game can give it to all his teammates as well. It's insanely fun (particularly in Battle Royal) running into an enemy ambush invisible and surprising them. I think the reason he isn't as viable as a roam is because he doesn't really provide much for his team other than slows and the occasional stealth, which good control of vision could remedy. He can't tank (as you mentioned), but doesn't have the healing/general utility that other non-tank roams like Lyra or even Adagio can provide. And I don't know if this can be fixed, really. Anyhow, great guide (as usual) and keep up the great work!!
Nice guide, however, I would recommend getting a contraption instead of an aegis for better cooldowns, and it's easy for Flicker to set up vision with his stealthy perk.
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