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Skye |
R.I.P if you got matched up against her, she is the kite queen and deals a lot, A LOT of damage! no known counters against her with krul yet, R.I.P |
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Celeste |
Celeste is like ham and cheese for Krul in most cases, if krul can catch her out she will have a difficult time getting out. |
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Reim |
Reim should not be dealt with Krul earlier on, because his damage can outpower krul early game, but in mid-late game Krul will surely dominate over Reim.Just be sure to keep dodging his A. |
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Skaarf |
Krul counters Skaarf due to the 50% CP reduction with his smite on full stacks.He is very squishy,but try not to stand in his spit fires too much. he IS a mage nevertheless. |
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Joule |
Krul also counters joule, but her burst should not be Misunderestimated.Joule's passive only counters WP attacks, so take that to your advantage and smite her to death! |
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Ozo |
WP Ozo isn't much against krul, because he cannot burst too quickly, but be wary of CP ozo! if he does his B three times and manages to land it on you his CP will destroy you! try to avoid getting hit by all three of those and if skilled enough, try to stun him out of it. |
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Saw can be a danger to Krul if the player is good enough. both WP and CP deal a lot of damage, but WP is easly counter-able with Atlas.But his CP version deals a LOT of damage, take advantage of his slow movement speed and try to hit him with your sword on its way back! |
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Adagio |
Be VERY careful of adagio, he can kite you to death if played well enough and will nuke you and your team if not focused.Im talking about his CP sure to get a Shiversteel and block his ult with a Reflex block! |
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Taka |
Taka, like adagio, can kite you to death, but packs a lot more burst at the cost of less health.Buy flares against taka to counter his kaku and ALWAYS get a Shiversteel against him.He packs a punch and should not be misunderestimated. |
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Glaive |
Glaive is pretty good for countering krul because of his burst! be sure to get an atlas against him.Because of his natural tankiness, he will be hard to take down,be sure to try to stun him with your sword for as long as possible, try the method i listed with the sword on the sixth threat. |
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No Threat |
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