Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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Baptiste |
You can do it! They're no threat for your skills! ;) |
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Phinn |
Great enemy ally. Can and will pull you into enemy team and you can wreak havoc. |
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Ardan |
Two can play the gauntlet game. Doesn't deal too much damage unless going weapon power Ardan, but you can still shut him down by interrupting his ult with yours |
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Flicker |
With you being able to spam your Bad Mojo, you give almost no time for this fella to cloak away. |
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Fortress |
Easily manageable especially in a duel. |
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Adagio |
Your Ult can interrupt his with no problem at all and additionally you out damage him in most ways. Having highest range along with Lyra, not including Baron with ult, can prove difficult if they can kite. |
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Alpha |
Deals more damage crystal wise but her mobility is easily countered by your Ordained and you can easily dodge her ult with your Fearsome Shade |
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Catherine |
A bit more annoying with her damage reflection, but otherwise manageable |
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Grumpjaw |
Your fear will save your ally and send him running. |
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Joule |
Decent damage but hilarious when she ults as soon as you Ordain her. |
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Lance |
Can't keep rolling if he's Ordained. Can block ult. |
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Rona |
Ordained will keep her grounded and Fearsome Shade will keep her from being too annoying. |
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Celeste |
See Baron but think less mobility. Watch out for star range but not a problem if you can land stun. |
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Idris |
As much as I hate to say it, you can easily outduel Idris, just dodge his Chakrams. He can ult out of Ordained. |
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Kestrel |
Can break her stealth by continuously throwing vials of liquid at her. |
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Koshka |
Gets in and get out, but her mobility will be her downfall. |
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Lyra |
Honestly she been nerfed so much it's kinda like when Vox first came out, but regardless her range can destroy you since she is also very mobile. |
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Ozo |
Decent healing and damage, but again mobility will be the death of him. |
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He so slow, you can run right up to him and begin you assault but be careful when he's targeting you. |
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Blackfeather |
A bit tricky to duel, yet you can outpoke and outheal him. He can ult out of your Ordained |
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Glaive |
Large amounts of damage and can sustain equally as well. Poke as much as possible before an engage. |
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Reim |
Basically Baptiste. |
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Taka |
Gets in and out but faster, so be sure to ordain him as fast as humanly possible. |
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Baron |
A bit tricky, outranges and outdamages you, but once you get your Ordained on him then he's as good as dead meat. Watch yourself if he is weapon and maxes ult because range is bad if you're Baptiste. |
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Krul |
Blackfeather with more sustain and CC. Poke before engage |
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Skye |
Shut her down with your Ordained but watch her range. |
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Gwen |
Outranges you and can easily dodge your Ordained and Fearsome Shade, be careful |
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Ringo |
Range hurts man, it hurts bad. |
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Samuel |
Range and Poke, the worst combo. |
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Vox |
Just enough range and mobility to be of no threat to your Ordained so watch out. |
10 |
Petal |
Range, steady stream of damage, and repositioning, create the true lord of death. |
10 |
Skaarf |
Just nasty. You can fear him out of his ult but otherwise he has too much poke and range. |
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