Adagio's Gift of Fire(A) Ability scales with his
tankiness, so make sure to build tank items.
I personally prefer
clockwork (40% cooldown reduction) over
stormcrown (30% cooldown reduction) to spam healing. Stormcrown helps with having larger heals (because of the 200HP it gives) but I prefer more constant heals. Choose stormcrown over clockwork if you want to take down turrets faster and have larger heals. Choose clockwork if you prefer more constant heals. (Even with clockwork you should have about 200-300HP heals at late game if you follow the build)
Atlas Pauldron when against heroes like WP Krul and WP SAW who depend on high attack speeds.
Nullwave Gauntlet to silence burst-type heroes like CP Baron and CP Taka who depend on abilities.
Hope this build helps :)
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