Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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Phinn |
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Baron |
Can't run but can jump walls. Abilities are easily dodged and weapon power isn't that much of a problem with his low attack speed. |
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Celeste |
Her stun can be dodged easily. She has low health and can get stuck in a fight easily. |
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Adagio |
Limited mobility. Weapon power is a problem with the constant damage but crystal or protecter builds should be easy. |
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Grace |
While you have an aftershock she really isn't a problem as long as you don't get stunned |
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Ardan |
High health and armor. Only problem is if they have an aftershock or weapon lifesteal otherwise you can continue to pick off his health. |
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Catherine |
Stormgaurd is the only real problem. Only hit her with your abilities and aftershock when it's down. |
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Grumpjaw |
Weapon and crystal won't hurt you much but his ultimate can bring you back to a turret so be aware of how close you are to it and other dangers. |
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Joule |
Crystal power is bad early game but once your build is more powerful she is an easy target. Weapon power you just have to make sure to hit her when she shows her back to do the most damage. |
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Lorelai |
Even with her splash pool she can't get away while you have a shiversteal. Can't hit you hard but can keep an enemy alive when you least expect it. |
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Flicker |
Crystal takes away health continuously while being able to hold you in a fight so be careful. Weapon you should be able to kill before any major damage is done. |
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Fortress |
Weapon has fast attack speed and can take away your health fast. The only problem with crystal and protecter is an aftershock and maybe a frostburn. |
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Glaive |
Crystal power can hold you in a fight and weapon power can do rapid hits with there abilities to take away chunks of your health. |
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Lyra |
Her healing and boost speed make her tricky to take down fast. If she is a crystaler she'll have less health but high damage so make it quick. |
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Baptiste |
Crystal is the only problem. The burst damage he has can take away huge chunks of health unsuspectedly so be carful. |
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Blackfeather |
Hard to chase and has a barrier. Crystal can be dodge but weapon is hard to deal with and once he has his heartthrob stacks on you it's hard to get away without dying. |
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Churnwalker |
Hard to kill but doesn't bring a real threat except that he can hold you in a fight longer the next you may want. |
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Idris |
Crystal can be dodged easily so not threat there while there's weapon that is hard to run from if you don't have your ability (b) |
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Flicker |
Crystal power can do massive constant damage to you before you grab an aegis if you can't dodge his abilities. Weapon power is only a threat if you need to run from a fight but ability (b) of yours can get you out easily. |
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Krul |
Don't let him build up his spectral stacks or his added lifesteal will be a problem. Try engaging with a teammate and making them switch targets to get ride of your stacks. |
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Petal |
Weapon posses no problem once you're in close just watch your health. Crystal is difficult to deal with. If you focuse on her directly she may retreat which would give you an advantage |
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Gwen |
Crystal can be taken out once you get close but weapon hits hard and even once you get close you have to watch out for her stun. |
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Koshka |
If you're fighting her constantly grab a reflex block early then when I stated. She will do plenty of damage with her aftershock when the fight begins and then once you try to run she will use her ultimate so be prepared. |
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Lance |
If he's sticking with a teammate stay away. His stun and hold will be more of a problem then you think so be careful. |
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Alpha |
Her termination protocol is dangerous along with having to kill her twice. Weapon build is bad once she builds up her stacks. |
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Kestrel |
Having no vision is dangerous against her. Crystal power you'll have to dodge her abilities take stay alive along with staying in close to keep her out of active camo. Weapon power will take away your health and won't matter if you constantly hit her so watch out for her active camo. |
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