Dodge her Stars and Block her stun. She will be easy if you manage to burst her down fast.
Block his Hook and there is nothing he can do about you because he will not even able to run away.
Stack your Broken Myth on him before starting teamfights. He will not do much a harm to you, just Block his Ult and hold your distance.
Not too good this update, but his Ultimate can get you outta position, so keep in mind to use your reflex block!
If you dont get rooted and caught by his Ultimate you´ll eat him as breakfast.
He has low mobility and slow attack speed so you should be able to burst him down easily,
Block her stun when you are channeling your Ult. And dont use Achilles Shot on her when she has her Bubble active.
Block his Afterburn and hold your distance while harassing him. Not that much of a problem.
Dont get into his slow and dont get rooted, because you need to hold your distances.
Try to dodge his Spitfire and burst him down. He should be easy.
Poke him and dodge his boomerang and he shouldnt be that much of a threat.
Try to predict her Forward Barrage and dodge her B. She shouldnt be that difficult.
Since he has low defenses, you should be able to burst him down, but watch out for his A+B combination.
Really strong in 2.2. If he has more farm than you, bye bye. Wait till his B runs out and burst him down.
He will force his allies to engage on you, try to find a safe distance like behind your turrets.
She can close distances between you and her allies in seconds using her ultimate, also her basic attacks apply a brief slow. You should get her in a 1v1, but be carefull during teamfights!
You can beat him, but dont use Achilles Shot directly after he jumps you, because he will use Kaiten and dodge the Achilles Shot. Wait till he used kaiten and then start attacking.
Also hard to take down but your teammates should be able to stop her from harassing you so you can take her down from a distance.
You should be able to beat him 1v1.
Dont get rooted and pushed towards his team, play really carefully and poke him to stack your Broken Myth.
Block her stun and keep a good distance. Dodge her Thunder Strikes too as they will do incredible amounts of damage if she builds weapon power.
Dont get focused by her munions. If, run till they go away and Poke her.
Weapon will beat you in 1v1 because you dont own any Armor. Try to poke him with your a and hit him from a distance!
Dont get eaten.
She can really be a pain in the a**, try to dodge or block her ulitmate and burst her down if you can. If not, wait your allies to do her and join the battle.
Dont walk into her mist and stay behind your teammates / lane minions to not geht hit by her arrows as they do lots of damage. Ult her from a safe place and try to burst her as quickly as you can.
Move away from her fast because if she reaches you your most likely toast. Dodge her A and slow her during her Ultimate and try to land as many basic attacks as possible.
Very hard because he is most likely to go weapon and can stick to you easily. Consider to build Metal Jacket instead of Shatterglas against him.
Block his slow and sword and slow him to get away. If you fail, youre dead.
Block her stun and run behind your teammates as she will easily be able to close up to you.
He will stick to you like glue and there is no way to escape. Very hard opponent.
Welcome class, I am your new teacher, sialom. I play Vainglory since 2014 and reached Vainglorious Tier so far. I usually speak German, so forgive me if I don´t speak English that well.
Today we are looking at Ringo, one of my favourite heroes in Vainglory 2.2.
He has an incredible burst potential (that means, he is able to do insane amounts of damage in no time so the enemies health bars will melt in seconds) and is capable of making the big plays in Vainglory.
His only weakness is his low defense and Early Game weakness, which he tries to compensate with high movement speed and a great Late Game potential. In the following Chapter we will learn about his Abilities.
A big burst, a great slow amount. You will most likely always use it when it's available on team fights. This skill is a great CC. Making it hard for your enemies to flee, it can also help you kite melee opponents and if they can't gap close, you can chase them to death. Max it asap, it is your most important skill.
This Ability is all a good Carry needs. It gives you a small speed boost and higher attack speed on activation and will empower your basic attacks with a nice +80% crystal power ratio.
If not blocked, it will do tons of damage, because it will also cause the target to burn. Burning enemies will also do damage to nearby allies. Do not use this Ability as a finisher, because it will mostly be blocked in high elo games. Target the enemy Carry from a distance to start off the fight (initiate). Overall, activate it from a distance because you can't do anything while activating it.
Ringo usually runs fast out of energy, especially in early game, so purchasing an Energy Battery isn´t a bad choice to keep your energy at an good amount, so you would not have to call back to base early because of energy issues and miss out important farm. Halcyon Potions will help you survive or regen energy if needed.
Alternating Current is one of the most important items in this build. It gives you a nice +75% attack speed and well needed +60 crystal power + your basic attacks deal +70% of your crystal power which combines incredible well with Twirling Silver. Consider to build a Reflex Block even earlier if you are getting ganked multiple times and have to get a back up to block stuns from e. g. Catherine or Glaives Afterburn. Reflex Block is one of the most important items of the game as it can block most of the abilities and can turn already lost fights in your favour as it provides 25% of your missing health as a barrier. You can decide if you want to get that extra +100 health from Travel Boots or keep it cheap an hold on on your Sprint Boots.
If your enemies are already building some shield against you, consider purchasing a Broken Myth before Eve of Harvest because you are gonna need that shield pierce or you will end up dealing like no damage.
If not, build Eve of Harvest first, because it adds +250 well needed energy and +55 crystal power on the one side, but also helps you to sustain longer because of that +10% crystal lifesteal which causes you to regen health while dealing damage on the other side.
Full Build
If your enemies are building heavy weapon power and keep killing you, consider to build a Metal Jacket instead of Shatterglass. In any case you should build Aegis, because it gives you extra shield and armor + the Reflex Block effect. Journey Boots will keep you running (cooldown is only 12 seconds if you hit a enemy hero) and power up your health with a bonus +250 health.
Play safe and try not to die from enemy ganks. Freeze the lane near your turret and get as much farm as you can. If your set under permanent heavy pressure, tell your team to gank or your support to stay in the bottom brush in lane to help you. Use Double Down either to secure last hits or to deal some extra damage to the enemy laner. Achilles Shot can be either used to support ganks with slowing the fleeing enemy laner or to secure last hits when your coming back to lane, because it has a significant higher range than your basic attacks. Twirling Silver can be either used to secure kills from ganks or help you fleeing from enemy ganks. Only help in the jungle if nessecary and don´t miss out farm. If you die early, consider to insta buy a Reflex Block or a second Crystal Bit and Sprint Boots.
When and how to push or freeze (by Gankstars Academy)
Don´t front line, because you are most likely immideatly to get eaten if you do. Hold your distance and try to burst down the enemies carry or jungler as fast as you can. Maybe consider initiating with Hellfire Brew from a safe position like a brush. Spam your Achilles Shot aswell as Twirling Silver and keep on attacking, even if only the enemies roamer is in range to keep that Broken Myth stacks up.
Stay in the back line. Using Twirling Silver right after an basic attack will cause you to immideately perform another basic attack, because Twirling Silver resets the basic attack cooldown.
Fast Solo Ace with Crystal Ringo in Vainglorious SoloQ
Petal can be a very hard target, because of her munions. Keep a long distance, because if she lunges forward her munions will most likely slow you (most Petals will have a Frostburn) and do tons of damage, more than you are capable to do to her in most cases. Tell an allie to help you and she should be done.
Taka can also be a very tough opponent, especially if build on crystal (noone will build weapon in 2.2 to be honest). One thing you should keep in mind is not to immediately use Achilles Shot if he jumps you with X-Retsu, because most Takas will use Kaiten right after and this would block all the damage and slow dealt by Achilles Shot.
Blackfeather is very tought, because he is most likely to go for a weapon power build, so consider to replace Shatterglass with a Metal Jacket or Atlas Pauldron. Also Blackfeather can easy stick to you. If he uses his Ultimate, run in the opposite direction and slow him right afterwards to create kind of a distance. Stutter Step all the time and if he has a Atlas Pauldron block it.
Please note: this Chapter is under permanent work and I will add more heroes in future.
Well, that was my guide so far, but I will edit some things in future for sure. I am exited to hear your feedback and I would be happy to hear from you guys!
See you on the Fold!
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