Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
1 |
Lyra |
Very squishy, should be easy , don't chase too hard. |
2 |
Fortress |
Not a huge threat as protector but can reveal where you are removing element of surprise. |
2 |
Samuel |
Not a threat just surprise but can be annoying to run away from. |
2 |
Skaarf |
Skarf is not much threat just dodge his fire balls and oil and you will be fine. |
3 |
Adagio |
Not a big threat can't really touch you unless weapon or crystal power. |
3 |
Ardan |
Avoid getting trapped and you will be fine. |
3 |
Reim |
He is not very mobile so you can hunt him down and he is not that hard to run away from. |
4 |
Alpha |
Can burst you down but can't run away very well. |
4 |
Kestrel |
Very hard to find and burst damage. Rose offensive through her shot and go behind her so she cannot hit you. |
4 |
Ozo |
Can sustain or deal a lot of damage depending on build try to use on point with good timing to avoid banagrang damage. |
5 |
Baron |
Squishy target try to avoid all shots. |
5 |
Gwen |
Can slow you down and kill you easily. Surprise her to maximise damage. She can use her skaddadle to run away which can be annoying. |
5 |
Joule |
Can stun you keep away from and cannon try to use rose offensive to run away. |
5 |
Lance |
Can root you stun you very annoying, rose offensive out of any sticky situations. |
5 |
Rona |
Lots of burst which makes her quite annoying and has a lunge attack. Be far away when using red mist. |
6 |
Celeste |
Squishy but can give away your location and do a lot of damage from a distance. Have you on-point on point. |
6 |
Flicker |
Can sneak up on you and reveal your location and slow you down. Avoid at all costs. |
6 |
Petal |
Can't run for her but she can run from you with trampoline ability. Wait for her to burn it then attack. |
6 |
Phinn |
Phinn is just overpowered, avoid the pull and you should be fine. |
6 |
Ringo |
Just surprise him and he will not be annoying but if he chases you you can be in serious danger. |
7 |
Catherine |
Catherine can silence you preventing you to use your abilities try to wait for here to burn her ultimate or nulwave guantlet. |
7 |
Glaive |
Stun can be annoying. |
7 |
Can be very annoying to fight on his own a he can do to much damage when close and regen so much health. |
7 |
Vox |
Can easily keep distance and do a lot of damage at the same time. Try to surprise. |
8 |
Skye |
A very mobile hero so she will be hard to kill as she can run away easily. |
9 |
Idris |
Weapon power idris can burst you down not letting you use any of your abilities. Can easily run away with its A. |
9 |
Koshka |
Can run away fro you easily and leave you wounded. Can also stun you not allowing you to help your allies. |
9 |
Krul |
Avoid at all costs keep distance. |
9 |
Taka |
Taka is a nasty surprise as it can burst you down run away and continue that cycle. |
10 |
Blackfeather |
Depends if you are a better black feather |
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