Threat |
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1 |
SAW is this immobile hero who excels at being hit by your abilities and getting demolished by a 600 damage supernova. Be careful if he goes CP as he CAN melt you with his supressing fire but simply dodge out of it and then stun him while he sits there while spamming your novas. The first three levels can be tough in the lane but once you get a few crystal bits, he can no longer sit through your helios. |
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Baron |
CP baron is slow and his attacks take a long time to hit. Prioritise dodging his attacks as it is huge bursts and you will be fine. You can almost deal three helios in the time frame of one mortar. A very easy target. The ult into two quick mortars can kill you however. Be wary of that and you can kill him taking no damage. |
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Kestrel |
Utilise your range as much as possible. She can easily melt you if you get too close and theres no one bodyblocking for you. Play relatively safe till level 8 as you will destroy her completely then. If you land a stun on her before level 8 however, play aggresive and capitilaze. Not being a very mobile hero, shes a easy target and will die once stunned. |
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Vox |
Similar to Kestrel, use your range and vox will melt. Vox however, is more mobile and has an ability which when used properly can dodge your abilities. Still, if you keep you range, he's nothing. If he tries to boots in and chase you, use your boots and create distance. Consider buying journey boots if he does to match his speed. |
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Joule |
She can easily melt you and deal surprising amounts of damage. Do not underestimate her damage and just like dealing with these low threat heroes, use your range and you will win. IF she tries to jump on you to close the distance and/or stun you, reflex block it and stun whereever the danger sign of her jump shows. then, boots and kite away and splatter her with your helios on the way. |
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Krul |
Reim and Krul are both easily abusable by you due to their slow speed but they can kill you quickly if they get on you. keep kiting and block their ultimates if you can and they will melt quickly as they rely on hitting someone to be tanky |
2 |
Reim |
Reim and Krul are both easily abusable by you due to their slow speed but they can kill you quickly if they get on you. keep kiting and block their ultimates if you can and they will melt quickly as they rely on hitting someone to be tanky |
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No Threat |
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Alpha |
WP Baron, Rona and Alpha can quickly kill you if they get on you and they aren't as slow as reim or krul. Immediately boots away or stun when they use their gap closing abilities and kite. They have great sustain so you cannot fight them even if you have a eve. Kite and they will die quickly. Baron has range and will be slightly more of a hassle but you can outdamage him if you keep kiting. |
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Rona |
WP Baron, Rona and Alpha can quickly kill you if they get on you and they aren't as slow as reim or krul. Immediately boots away or stun when they use their gap closing abilities and kite. They have great sustain so you cannot fight them even if you have a eve. Kite and they will die quickly. Baron has range and will be slightly more of a hassle but you can outdamage him if you keep kiting. |
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Petal |
Petal is unique in which the sources of damage and control is different. If you kill her minions, the damage stops and she can spawn more while not actually dying. If you try to kill her, you will take the consistent damage of her minions. If you land a helio> stun> nova combo on her, she will melt. It takes a helio> nova combo to kill her minions usually. Regardless, they both die pretty quickly. I usually go for her immediately and just tank her minions. If i land my abilities, i kill her first and heal some health through eve to continue killing the rest. Its not worth the effort killing her minions first imo but can be a good idea if you are about to die and can kill the minions and boots away. Also, if you can kill the minions before she ults, it gets cancelled so theres that. Petal might be more of a challenge if you face a very talented one who can dodge your stuff with her jump but usually a easy target. |
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Baron |
WP Baron, Rona and Alpha can quickly kill you if they get on you and they aren't as slow as reim or krul. Immediately boots away or stun when they use their gap closing abilities and kite. They have great sustain so you cannot fight them even if you have a eve. Kite and they will die quickly. Baron has range and will be slightly more of a hassle but you can outdamage him if you keep kiting. |
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Celeste |
You will only face this in the third game in a bo3 competitively or in a casual or <t7. Dodge the abilities as much as possible and may the best mechanical celeste win. |
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Lyra |
Depends on who she is paired with. The early levels can be troublesome with her endless heals stopping any poke you try to deal and her very painful pokes. As the game progresses however, plant a star where she imperial sigil and a supernova will nullify all her disgusting heal. She is squishy even as a roam and you outdamage her when she goes carry. Play at range and be careful when she portals in with her melee heroes right into you and you should be okay. The portal can be a trap for you as well by planting your stun at the opening. It can deal some disgusting damage to the entire team and let you singlehandedly 1v3 if played well. |
6 |
Fortress |
Fortress, Flicker, Ardan and Phinn can easily gap close for their teammates and cause some slow enemies low on this list to become a huge threat. Kite or block their gap closing abilities accordingly and they won't be much trouble by themselve. Prioritise killing the heroes they are trying to help gapclose to you. |
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Flicker |
Fortress, Flicker, Ardan and Phinn can easily gap close for their teammates and cause some slow enemies low on this list to become a huge threat. Kite or block their gap closing abilities accordingly and they won't be much trouble by themselve. Prioritise killing the heroes they are trying to help gapclose to you. |
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Ardan |
Fortress, Flicker, Ardan and Phinn can easily gap close for their teammates and cause some slow enemies low on this list to become a huge threat. Kite or block their gap closing abilities accordingly and they won't be much trouble by themselve. Prioritise killing the heroes they are trying to help gapclose to you. |
6 |
Phinn |
Fortress, Flicker, Ardan and Phinn can easily gap close for their teammates and cause some slow enemies low on this list to become a huge threat. Kite or block their gap closing abilities accordingly and they won't be much trouble by themselve. Prioritise killing the heroes they are trying to help gapclose to you. |
7 |
Adagio |
Adagio is PAINFUL if you get burnt and he empowers himself. HIs range is huge and you have to be at your max range to outrange him. He will be a huge threat before your overdrive on A and you need to avoid him when his buff is active. Kite as max range as much as possible. Try stunning him out of his ult or when he runs at you. Prepare to boots out as he can reflex your stun as well. |
8 |
Ringo |
Your range outranges his quite a good amount. However, ringo players are notorious for hiding in bushes before slowing you with Archilles Shot and stutterstepping you to death. If at absolute late game, you can actually manfight him by standing there and spamming him. His slow will prevent you from kiting him out of his range and this is probably your best bet. Hope your melee character/ roam atlases him. If you can stun him, he will melt to a nova combo. |
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Skaarf |
These two heroes rivel your range or even outrange you in exchange for a harder to hit basic skillshot. Gwen has a cone skillshot with 2 extra range while skaarf is a straight skillshot with a extra point of range. To counter Gwen, Try standing away from your teammates so she cannot hit the entire team at once. Her skillshots recharge slower than yours and it is a good time to engage if she had just missed a shot. Skaarf can be outranged if you utilise your novas. Try putting a wall of stars and keep pushing him back and dodge his straight shots. Clockwork is a good item against skaarf for this method. You will eventually be able to seige or deal good damgae if his team doesnt engage. |
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Samuel |
Skye and Samuel have good range with their abilities and a ok range with their normal attacks. They are however very mobile inately and with their abilities. You will need to outplay them and disengage when they use Death From Above or Drifting dark. You can however, outdamage them if all factors are equal. They will demolish you if they have breaking point stacks or broken myth stacks so be careful. They can massively outplay you but if you consistently hit your abilities, you will win. |
9 |
Glaive |
Glaive, Koshka, Ozo and Taka all excel in taking out squishy ranged heroes using their single target attacks. Ozo is more of an AoE attacker but still melts squishies pretty quickly. These heroes can dodge your abilities pretty easily and your best hope is to kite and hope eve heals you well enough. They are all melee so you can kite pretty easily. You will want to avoid walls against glaive, your allies or minions against ozo and just cry against koshka or taka. Hope that your accuracy is good and just kite and hit as many attacks as possible. Block their stuns or they will easily kill you |
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Koshka |
Glaive, Koshka, Ozo and Taka all excel in taking out squishy ranged heroes using their single target attacks. Ozo is more of an AoE attacker but still melts squishies pretty quickly. These heroes can dodge your abilities pretty easily and your best hope is to kite and hope eve heals you well enough. They are all melee so you can kite pretty easily. You will want to avoid walls against glaive, your allies or minions against ozo and just cry against koshka or taka. Hope that your accuracy is good and just kite and hit as many attacks as possible. Block their stuns or they will easily kill you |
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Ozo |
Glaive, Koshka, Ozo and Taka all excel in taking out squishy ranged heroes using their single target attacks. Ozo is more of an AoE attacker but still melts squishies pretty quickly. These heroes can dodge your abilities pretty easily and your best hope is to kite and hope eve heals you well enough. They are all melee so you can kite pretty easily. You will want to avoid walls against glaive, your allies or minions against ozo and just cry against koshka or taka. Hope that your accuracy is good and just kite and hit as many attacks as possible. Block their stuns or they will easily kill you |
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Gwen |
These two heroes rivel your range or even outrange you in exchange for a harder to hit basic skillshot. Gwen has a cone skillshot with 2 extra range while skaarf is a straight skillshot with a extra point of range. To counter Gwen, Try standing away from your teammates so she cannot hit the entire team at once. Her skillshots recharge slower than yours and it is a good time to engage if she had just missed a shot. Skaarf can be outranged if you utilise your novas. Try putting a wall of stars and keep pushing him back and dodge his straight shots. Clockwork is a good item against skaarf for this method. You will eventually be able to seige or deal good damgae if his team doesnt engage. |
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Skye |
Skye and Samuel have good range with their abilities and a ok range with their normal attacks. They are however very mobile inately and with their abilities. You will need to outplay them and disengage when they use Death From Above or Drifting dark. You can however, outdamage them if all factors are equal. They will demolish you if they have breaking point stacks or broken myth stacks so be careful. They can massively outplay you but if you consistently hit your abilities, you will win. |
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Idris |
Idris is the new hero of 1.25/2.0 and is very mobile, while exceling in poking and/or sticking to a target. With a dash ability, he can dodge your abilities if well timed. That ability however, has a pretty huge cooldown and you can abuse it. Wait for his blink before trying to stun him and he will melt pretty fast. If possible, only ult after you have seen him using his ult as you will be his main target and he will prioritize dodging you solar storm. His CP path will utilise poking more as he has a 0.5 range higher than your od helio. It has a 8 sec cooldown compared to your 1.2 and you should engage after you see him using his chakram. Overall, dodge his abilities when he is CP, kite his WP and try to stay close to your allies as he is more ST. His CP can be soloed by you if well played. |
10 |
Lance |
The literal most annoying things to deal with ever. Dodge the impales accordingly and try to kite as much as possible. Can easily root you in place and chain stun you though. Pray you don't face a good lance and your juking skills are well trained or you will have a nightmare facing him. |
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Catherine |
The female version of the most annoying thing ever. This one will make you self destruct if you hit her bubble as you are a burst cp hero. Do not hit her when she has a bubble on to prevent the reflection. Normal attacking her to gain BM stacks is okay but it still does reflect a decent chunk. She is however, relatively squishy without her bubble. A quick stun into nova will chunk her but still not kill her. Kite her bubble burn damage and just ignore her for the most part till the end. Be careful of her guaranteed stun, espescially if a melee is waiting to jump on you or you are going to ult. Might be worth reflex blocking this as it can set many thing up although the stun duration is short. The silence is usually not worth blocking and the reflex block should probably be saved to guarantee your ult goes off. Pray your roamer can block this silence but don't count it <T10. A more practical solution soloq is to just disengage and wait out the silence |
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Taka |
Glaive, Koshka, Ozo and Taka all excel in taking out squishy ranged heroes using their single target attacks. Ozo is more of an AoE attacker but still melts squishies pretty quickly. These heroes can dodge your abilities pretty easily and your best hope is to kite and hope eve heals you well enough. They are all melee so you can kite pretty easily. You will want to avoid walls against glaive, your allies or minions against ozo and just cry against koshka or taka. Hope that your accuracy is good and just kite and hit as many attacks as possible. Taka is different in that he can get on you no matter what. He melts you but if you stun him he will melt as well. Wait till he kaitens and place your stun on you, the opposite side of when he first kaitens and you will stun him if you get the timing right. This is your one counter against this natural counter to celeste. |
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Blackfeather |
The.Most.Annoying.Thing.Ever. This is a mobile krul with just enough lifesteal, albeit less than krul, just enough damage to annoy you and kill you. A decent blackfeather can dodge the stun easily and even go behind you when you try to ult him. He builds tanky and can shiversteel you to reduce your kiting. My best way to deal with him is to wait for him to use his charges while just kiting enough to get slightly away from his basic attack range. Then, i just stand and fight to heal as much to outsustain and outdamage him. To outdamage me, blackfeather often uses his ult to dodge my abilities and that could open a window to stun him and kill him. Overall, a very hard counter. Poking before the real fight starts is the best way to gain an advantage. |
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