Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
1 |
No Threat |
2 |
Ringo |
Most ranged heroes can be a challenge but Ringo is an exception. If you can get the jump, he will be to frail to fight back and won't be able to get away if you use your shiversteel. Be warned he can still get a good jump on you, especially if he has high burst potential. Celeste would also be here because she can't kite well. Every time she uses her heliogenesis she stops. |
3 |
No Threat |
4 |
Ozo |
Most junglers aren't to bad to face. Just got to tank them till the don't do damage anymore then use your bonesaw to shred them down. |
5 |
Catherine |
Roams in general aren't the most dangerous for krul, but they are not squishy. You can make them flee , but without your teamates they will be hard to kill alone. |
6 |
No Threat |
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No Threat |
8 |
Glaive |
Again.....really good this out? |
9 |
Krul |
Their fights are one ever dies...just build an atlas and maybe a breaking point but the bonesaw will help win you the long fight. Just burst the other teamates down first....that could work too. |
9 |
Reim |
First, Reim broken af. Two, He out tanks you early with all of his fortified health. If smart, he will take all your farm with ease and snowball to victory. I don't know what to say? Ban him? |
9 |
Petal |
Most ranged heroes have a high potential of kiting, especially Petal. Huge threats! |
9 |
Skye |
The mobility kills! |
10 |
Corpus |
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