VG Hero: Taka


Attack Type: Melee
Position: Jungle
Role: Assassin

717 (+144.09)
Health Regen
3.51 (+0.35)
180 (+22)
Energy Regen
1.33 (+0.16)
Weapon Damage
70 (+5.36)
Attack Speed
100% (+3.3%)
30 (+5)
20 (+3.64)
Attack Range
Move Speed

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CrazyAsianNinja (3) | November 7, 2017 4:39am
I miss Taka's Basic attack lifesteal... WP Taka is basically dead now without it.
Takuisgud (16) | November 7, 2017 7:10am
Actually I’m experimenting a new Taka build to make it seem like Taka will have his lifesteal... only problem is that he is going Be one or two item short.
CrazyAsianNinja (3) | December 15, 2016 4:42am
Does Taka's Mortal Strikes still apply mortal wounds without x-retsu? If so...
Does Anyone Know if Poisoned shiv's mortal wounds stack with Taka's Heroic Perk, and if so how does it stack? (as in, if taka performs a third basic attack, and that basic attack is one of his mortal strikes, will the time of the mortal strike be 2 sec (from the item) + Mortal wound time from Heroic perk.
MaximusPrime (57) | December 15, 2016 11:31am
Taka's basic attacks will refresh the duration of mortal wound, and I don't think the mortal wound's duration will stack but the potency should.
Bearcub14 | August 10, 2016 7:02am
Wait, replace stormcrown for Breaking Point
Bearcub14 | August 10, 2016 6:55am
What about:
Halcyon Boots
Tension Bow
Aegis/Metal Jacket/Atlas Pauldron/Crucible
SenSeiShadow (2) | April 26, 2016 11:14pm
Do you guys think Hybrid Taka is still viable? Tension Bow + Aftershock is the most common burst hybrid core of a build. What do you guys think?
InfuriatedBrute (16) | December 16, 2015 2:43am
CP Taka has been buffed hard for the last 5 updates. B heals half your health, your ult has a 3.9 crystal ratio (!) and gives you the option of reproccing its powerful bleed, higher base damage for early game, and the new broken myth fits him perfectly.

Meanwhile, WP Taka has been nerfed. Lower ult damage, no autocrit, no lifesteal on attack.

I was pretty good at CP Taka before all these buffs, so I'm in a nice situation now.
SaGaR Co | December 11, 2015 3:00pm
His second ability has a typo in here, it says damage and damage, when it is supposed to say damage and debuffs.
InfuriatedBrute (16) | August 5, 2015 7:48pm
1.7 his ult's total damage was reduced by 25%.

But, they added a VERY HIGH crystal ratio on the damage per second. (0.7*3=2.1 total crystal ratio)

So if you have just 100 cp, it's already higher than before (although the damage is delayed).

CP Taka should outclass CP ringo in terms of single-target burst damage now, as well as having a great escape skill and dat 10 second cooldown. But ringo still has his B as a backup and his ult is AoE.
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