Greetings and Welcome! Top
Hello Vainglory community!
Whoever you are, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to look at this guide I made for Vox

This is my first guide, and I wanted to provide my own personal item build that I use for my favorite hero in this game. I would much appreciate any feedback and constructive criticism that you would have to offer!
The reason for this guide is to provide a detailed, straight-forward approach on building a Weapon Power Vox that can achieve a huge amount of damage potential within a short amount time.
Why WP > CP ??? Top
To be honest, it's personal preference. Any player is free to build their hero as they see fit, and that's the beauty of Vainglory's gameplay mechanics, you build according to your own playstyle.
This is my personal build for Vox that strictly utilizes WP to destroy his opponents. I've used a CP build on Vox before many times, and despite loving the burst damage capability using CP, if you cannot burst down a target quickly enough you may lose the opportunity to secure the kill, or worse yet you may find yourself surrounded by the enemy team, while you're still trying to kill your opponent. I feel CP benefits high damage mage casters and those heroes who can better utilize the CP to quickly ambush a target and burst it down and get out... hit and run tactics best suits this.
Of course this is my personal opinion, but I feel that WP synergizes sooooooo well with Vox's skill set. His playstyle of quickly dashing back n' forth, while filling the air with numerous shots, goes so well with a WP build.
Starting Out... Top
If picking Vox, make sure you get the lane solo if possible, as you can farm a ridiculous amount of Gold in a short amount of time to build up Vox's items to push him into the Mid-game and secure his core items.
Sometimes, it may not happen, you may decide to be nice and yield the lane to another player who picked another lane hero or the other player is a jerk and wants the lane to themselves. Regardless, and you can still run the jungle with another hero, however at a slightly reduced rate in Gold accumulation.
Farming the jungle solo is very problematic as Vox does not have the hitting power early on to clear camps quickly and efficiently. He excels at dealing with multiple targets in front of him utilizing his abilities to quickly apply and spread resonance in order to damage a group of enemies at once. Hence why the Lane is better suited to Vox players.

Starting Items
A Weapon blade and your basic regen of 2 halcyon potions should be your items of choice. Make sure you always pick Pulse as your 1st ability. Whenever the Pulse wave hits creeps or an enemy hero it will mark that target with Resonance.

If you know how Vox works then this should be common sense. For those who are unsure with how Vox works, picking Pulse first makes sense as it causes basic attacks that strike targets marked by resonance to bounce to any nearby enemy targets, and marking them with resonance.
Within the first minute of the match, assuming you got the lane, attack the closest creep at max range when both waves clash, and release a Pulse wave right away. The resulting resonance markings will cause your shots to bounce to nearly every creep allowing you to effectively discourage your opponent from getting too close, lest he gets hit by a bouncing shot marking him/her and allowing you to harass from a relatively safe distance.
Once you gain a level, the fun factor really starts to kick in :) !!! Put a level into Sonic Zoom.

Use sonic zoom in the early stages of the game defensively. Meaning, as you release Pulse waves to mark the wave of creeps and auto-attack, keep a close eye on the enemy hero to see if they suddenly choose to close the distance on you to harass you with a basic attack or an ability. There is a high chance they will have been hit by a bouncing shot moving towards you, so if you see them marked by resonance, quickly Sonic Zoom away from them, countering their aggressive maneuver and striking them with 2 basic attacks of your own. Cool right? Use this basic tactic and you'll have little issues in the lane.
If all goes well, and you stay wary of possible ambushes coming from the bottom bushes in the lane, you'll cause you're opponent a lot grief, while you rake in the Gold. Once you have around 1750 gold, I would suggest you back off safely and TP back to your base and spend the gold on a Heavy Steel, Swift Shooter, and Sprint Boots. Return to the lane, and you'll find your presence is MUCH more significant. Still, continue to farm, harass as you see fit, and if an opportunity to gank the opponent presents itself with the help of your team, then take it.

By Mid Game..... Top

By Mid game you should have completed your Sorrow Blade, and if you haven't already finish making your Tornado Trigger. Travel Boots, should be the natural upgrade from your Sprint Boots, and build up a Reflex Block to add some needed hitpoints as Vox is fairly squishy, as well as provide you with a excellent method of blocking dangerous abilities/debuffs. Furthermore, getting an energy battery will help sustain your use of your abilities, especially for team fights. You'll need the battery to upgrade your boots later on.
At this point of the match the intial laning stages of the game should be over, and someone has lost a turret, if not both sides have. Try to stay close to your allies, earning gold even if you don't get the last hit off creeps or enemy heroes. Avoid roaming by yourself as Vox can still be taken down very quickly, always STAY NEAR your team as much as possible, and fight as a group. At this point of the game you should already have your ultimate ability: Wait For It....

I can't say anymore great things about this ability, its just TOO awesome! It's a two stage ability. What happens first is Vox fires a narrow wave in a straight line in the targeted direction, causing small to moderate damage while applying resonance and refreshing the resonance duration to any targets it touches. Then suddenly a huge blast wave barrels along the same path smashing everything for a large amount of damage. Any enemy hero hit will be silenced and also cause resonance to bounce off them, thereby hitting other nearby targets, including other enemy heroes.
This is a great team fight initiator. For bests results, fire the ability straight down in between the entire enemy team. The aftermath of the ability softens up the enemy team, while causing chaos as shots start bouncing in between them. All you need to do at this point is focus down a single enemy hero (preferably the squishiest hero on their team), and auto-attack to allow you shots to keep bouncing everywhere, while your other teammates jump in. Any fleeing enemy hero can be chased relentlessly with aggressive Sonic Zooms in their direction, striking them while closing the distance to finish them off. Winning team fights in this way, will allow your team to push the lane and accumulate more gold for the late game.
Into the Late Game.... Top

Before you even reach the late game, after 15mins or so, you should already have you CORE items. At this point you are now considered to be a threat and not to be taken lightly. The amount of damage that you can inflict with your slotted CORE items is HUGE. So much so, that you can solo kill some heroes all by yourself. If the other team is playing smart they would have attempted to counter your damage potential by building armor (Bronze Colored Items).

Building a Bonesaw can help penetrate some of that armor, but the neat thing it also does is give your attack speed a further 50% boost! Landing more shots in a smaller amount of time, equals.... more damage, right?
Even if you're six slotted, you can still immediately apply the effects of this consumable to your hero. This item..... is like WOW.... as it temporarily turns you into killing machine, melting down enemy heroes like they were nothing. This is the 'GG' item, and if you have a surplus of gold, always keep popping one of these from either your base or the jungle shop and then go and immediately hunt down the enemy with your teammates.
Thank you! Top
If I have not said it before, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to review my guide. Take care and good luck out on the Halcyon Fold!!
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