I would prefer aftershock instead of alternating current because it pairs well with his A ability and with the cooldown reduction he can use his abilities more frequently. Also replace frostburn with shatterglass for that extra damage because his B ability already slows. This is made mostly to go aggressive in a teamfight immediately go behind the enemy and target the tank (this revolves around the damage from resonance bolts). Try to ult the entire enemy team and use your B ability for the slow.
I think this guide is perfect for those who love using Vox. I'd have to suggest that beginners don't use this build and just follow the recommended XD. Once you get used to Vox use this build
I have also recently unlocked Vox. Though I saved up glory to unlock him. I usually don't play much Lane as of now but after watching so many CP vox videos and reading g over a few different CP vox guides I had to get him and dying to learn his kit. He just seems so strong and although his early game can be rough it does seem like long as u can make sure u r fed well enough. You will be able to melt through enemies with easy:) I am also seeing the is build the most often. Ac, BM, EoH. Any reason u start with fb?
Everything is good, but I would prefer saving for shatterglass instead of frostburn as i need more damage output. Frostburn is more of an alternative build to me. Anyone share the samw view as me? or can anyone explain whats the advantage of getting frostburn? :) tq.
Vox doesn't need Shatterglass. He can do a major amount of burst damage with a quick ult blast and sonic zoom, so he has to be able to let that burst damage reset real fast before they can run.. Additionally because his abilities don't use crystal power except resonance bounces and basic attacks, shatterglass is made near obselete
Awesome guide! I kept struggling with a power bursting build (Tension Bow+Aftershock). Thought it didn't do the damage I needed.
This one got me to the stars. Vox's damage output stuns out the enemy team easily with this build.
I must state though that I had more success when building Alternating Current before EOH. I guess it depends on every game actually. If you're facing SAW in the lane, maybe EOH is the better choice, for example.
IMHO, even though "Wait for it..." got nerfed, CP vox remains the best laner.
He is a horrible jungler in the first few minutes of the game before he can start leveling. But after that he is very versatile. Weapon/Crystal, Jungle/Lane, Single Target/Multi Target, Sniper/Mage, etc.
When you are going weapon, you can clean the lane without using your abilities. Exception if there is the opposite laner, use resonance to reach him :). try to keep your energy for teamfights !!
I thought a mage-sniper would be more greedy about energy than that.
Try to use less your abilities and keep it for teamfights
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Blame yourself :)
And i had only played vox once in practice mode XP
This one got me to the stars. Vox's damage output stuns out the enemy team easily with this build.
I must state though that I had more success when building Alternating Current before EOH. I guess it depends on every game actually. If you're facing SAW in the lane, maybe EOH is the better choice, for example.
IMHO, even though "Wait for it..." got nerfed, CP vox remains the best laner.
I thought a mage-sniper would be more greedy about energy than that.
Try to use less your abilities and keep it for teamfights