This is the ultimate build for >>
late game << domination. 1v1: Enemy's are as good as dead. 1v2: Depends on the Heros, you SHOULD be fine. 1v3: You're pushing it. With this build fully complete, at max breaking point stacks, you will
gain 200+ health with a single hit. On top of your barrier.
is your counter, he's basically Satan. Stay away form him.
Side note, you will probably die a couple times early game and rage that this build sucks. But this isn't an early game domination build, not at all, this is for the people who want to play like Call of Duty can get kill streaks ~20 minutes in.
If you want quick gold to get those expensive Tornado triggers as fast as possible, I recommend as a jungler to have someone leash for you. Even better in come cases would be to just solo jungle, get the ganks, do the basics, don't feed, get fed, and by the time you have your 3rd tornado trigger, once you start hitting enemies it's pretty much over for them. Unless they do crazy amounts of damage very quickly such a Taka you're in the clear. Target the squishy people first because they are normally the damage dealers. Tanks on the other hand will literally do absolutely nothing to you late game, they'll just feed your insane life steal. Kraken? Who cares!? You can solo the Kraken without loosing half your health bar, just have someone on the lookout for any ganks on you.
Bottom line, as long as you're hitting them, you probably won't die.
Incoming nerf.
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