1v1 Fighting Guide Top
Generally, try to pick 1v1 fights, or try to have a tank with you. Otherwise, you can die real quick.
Start fights
stealthily. Try to start fights from brush, you want your kaku to run away if at all possible. Open up with an X-Retsu. That way, you multiply your damage from the mortal wound's bleed effect.
If you have baller timing, then use your kaiten to dodge bursts.
Otherwise, use kaiten ASAP, to just slap more damage on your target. Unload a few basic attacks, then use your abilities again. If you are losing this fight, use Kaku. You can use it not just to run, but to chase with the speed boost, and to simply stay still and use it for the regen. Flare guns are your new worst enemy.
You can also use kaku to buy time for your abilities.
Jungle Standoffs Top
Your enemies will try to avoid you in the jungle, because you can steal their farm and kill them.
PROVE THEM RIGHT. After clearing your jungle, use kaku to invade their side of the jungle. Once you have your ulti, use it, then Kaiten, on your target. Use kaku to get away, don't even use your basic attacks. They will bleed. Repeat until your target is dead, or leaves the jungle. Steal as many camps as possible. Run away as soon as you see them, you do not want to take a fight with an enemy who sees you and targets you.
Ganking Top
I have found that Taka is excellent at ganking both laners and junglers. To gank a laner, bring all three members of your team with you: it helps you survive.
Start from the brush. Once your team is gathered, open up with X-Retsu. You shouldn't gank before you have it. Then, kaiten, dealing a huge burst of damage and avoiding retaliation. Invite your nearby team to get in on the gank action. Use kaku to give yourself a burst of speed if they get away. Once your abilities come off the timer, use them, and then run.
To gank a jungler, wait for your tank to initiate the fight, then
UNLOAD ALL OF YOUR POWER. Your allies shouldn't need to use their ultimates, but you sure can.
Tips On Surviving Top
If you get ganked: Kaku to get away. If they spot you, keep running and use your boots.
Teamfights: Let your teammates initiate. Kaiten over bursty fighters to dodge damage. When someone has less than about 30% of their health,
Being chased without Kaku: Try to run into the jungle and use the brush to buy time until Kaku comes off the timer. You can also X-Retsu a jungle camp to gain a burst of damage.
Low health: Use Kaku for its recovery if you have less than half of your health. You can also pop a halcyon potion, to give yourself some more regen.
Terrible Teammates Top
Uh, well, Taka and this build only really works if your teammates are worth anything. Since you are a jungler, here is what to do:
Bad Laner: Just make sure the roamer goes up to help him whenever possible. In late game, he will die, but you will have enough power to deal a lot of damage.
Bad Roamer: All you need to do is make sure you get the last hits. Then, in late game, he should just absorb all the damage.
Both are terrible: You can't do EVERYTHING alone, but just save your burst damage to the end to get last hits, and step up to help your laner.
No one is roaming: Be the better fox-in-a-box and question ping everyone until someone picks up a contract. If they don't, steal their farm until they get it.
When to Support Your Allies Top
After you have several kills, the enemy will wise up and start attacking you. Sometimes, it's best to abandon a teammate in their time of need and simply ignore their pleas for help. Situations to do that in:
You have less than 30% health. I mean, c'mon. You will be dead instantly.
Your ally has less than 40% health. They won't absorb the damage for you for very long.
Your roamer is in trouble. They really don't matter except in team fights and helping you farm, so just ignore them, they can't deal damage anyway.
Your roamer is already helping your laner against one enemy. You really don't need to interfere unless another one shows up.
Otherwise, assassinate at your leisure.
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