Martial Philosophy Top
Oscams razor
What is the quickest way to get kills and ensure your survival?
X-Retsu- Basic attack- Kaiten- Basic attack- Kaku
Taka is an Assassin with an Amazing Heroic Perk. House Kamuha (whether Taka wants to remember it or not) Is one of his best assets. A guaranteed Critical strike at the beginning of every engagement is priceless. Couple the Critical strike with tension bow, aftershock and alternating current and you have a very lethal Fox.
Taka is still a squishy assassin so you need to protect yourself with Aegis, Kaku and Atlas Pauldron.
Taka Should always initiate a fight with X-Retsu. It grants 3 stacks of Ki, Inflicts mortal wounds and deals great damage. Follow up with the supercharged basic attack (you will be at 4 Ki now), Kaiten to avoid damage or catch a fleeing enemy (5 Ki) and Basic attack again to finish them. Kaku and Escape! Pop a potion and find your next target. You should be at 5 Ki and ready to initiate again quickly.
In the late game, Atlas Pauldron (activated) and Alternating Current help cut down Tanky opponents.
If you are dominating the game or have squishy enemies in the opposing team you can opt for the All Offense Build. This build deals incredible burst damage, Almost ensuring kills with the X-Retsu- Basic Attack- Kaiten combo. You will be squishy yourself, but also a lethal weapon. You should focus on the highest damage dealer on the opposing team first.
Synergy of Items Top
Tension Bow, Aftershock, Alternating Current deals massive burst damage with Taka's Critical strikes.
You should rush to get tension bow before any other item (not including potions) It will set the bar in the early game.
Aegis and Boots help you escape after kills.
Atlas Pauldron rushes endorphins into Takas blood stream and lowers cortisol levels improving focus and putting him into a hyper aware cutting state of mind... Or it Slows opponents attack speed...whatever.
Either way it helps cut enemies down without being cut down.
FARM until you get Tension Bow and X-Retsu; Then begin assassinations.
Max out Kaiten. This build doesn't have any batteries so you'll need to conserve energy
Max out X-Retsu. Its your initiator and first dose of damage
Work with your Team to assassinate stunned, slowed or over extended enemies
Get Journey boots last, since travel boots do the job just fine.
Use Atlas Pauldron's active ability to decrease enemies attack speed (like tanky Saw, Cathrine, Krul, Glaive)
Keep using potion until you have both Defense items.
Be sneaky with Kaku. Run in one direction, pop a smoke bomb and turn around. If the opponents don't use flares they will be chasing a ghost in the wrong direction.
Have fun :)
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