About Ringo, it's my favorite hero since my first time playing Vainglory. Let me explain, Ringo is a laner and all you have to do is earn gold and deal damage.
First, upgrade B and buy a Weapon Blade, Sprint Boots and also Halcyon Points. Go to lane, wait in the top bush (That lonely bush at the top of the mid) and wait until enemy's minions come to mid, you can wait for a little moment to wait enemy's lane to shows up.
After that you can come out from the bush and use B and keep moving to your base side while shooting at enemy's lane and enemy's minions. When you earned enough gold, buy Swift Shooter, then Dragonheart or Aegis (Use build 2 if enemy has Koshka/Taka or anything that can stun or sudden damage to you but you have to practice your reaction time).
Now you have Weapon Blade and Swift Shooter, earn more gold to buy Six Sins and Lucky Strike (I prefer Lucky Strike first). So now you have 4 WP items and you can go earn more gold to buy BP and Tyrant. Follow my build for the rest.
A little explaination for Late Game (Choice 1) and Late Game (Choice 2):
For choice 1, you need 600 gold and you can sell your BP to buy Tornado Trigger. Now you have the core items (SB, TM, TT) so you just need to buy another TM (that's why I put Lucky Strike to it) and you've completed the build.
For choice 2, you need 1450 gold and then you can sell your BP to buy Tyrant Monocle and you've completed the build.
I will make guide for Rona, Saw, Gwen and Joule *Read below for more info
"For more protection, ask your roamer to stay near you"
Prefered teammates:
Glaive Can help you with his stun
Ardan Can help you clutch
Catherine Can help you with her stun
Fortress Can help you slow the enemy
Koshka Can help you with her stun
Petal Can help you slow and help you deal damage
Ozo Can help you by preventing enemies from escaping
Very weak against:
Ask me anytime if you don't understand about something, just comment and I will reply asap.
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