I like Krul with three armor items, and boots. I'm not crazy about locking up your other two slots with weapons. Tornado Trigger seems l**** the better choice of the two you have. I've used Serpent Mask as Krul and Glaive, and it just does so little to help... especially compared to smite and rush.
I have been using Breaking Point as my weapon since it goes well with the tanky build, and has a lot of potential for just one slot.
I've been grabbing Warhorn because I liked both Ironguard and the Hourglass... I do think a crystal item would be better than two weapons. Frostburn is great if you're chasing.
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I have been using
I've been grabbing Warhorn because I liked both Ironguard and the Hourglass... I do think a crystal item would be better than two weapons.