Threat |
Hero |
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Fortress |
Fortress is weird for me. I have no idea how he does damage. I don't know how to counter him. I normally just burst right through his health with Broken Myth and just kill him then because he's not really that scary for me. |
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Krul |
This dude XD, LMAO. No chamce against you whatsoever. Unless he gets lucky with a stun and his teammates help and/or you're in the gauntlet. Even with armor/shield he will die too quickly. I find killing him the most pleasurous because he will destroy your teammates (except for Reim or Skye [deadly combination]), yet struggle to kill you. Take as long as you want with this morsel. Don't forget to change this bot's difficulty. Too easy. |
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Phinn |
This is another fun character to play with. Especially since his B does a WIDE area of damage and will knock your Kaku out of comission. But for the most part just rely on Broken Myth to take this dude out. Watch out for stun (use Kaiten at the right time to dodge his stun, it's hilarious). |
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Celeste |
Her A ability is a crazily easy way to find because once the star goes supernova it bursts and will get you if you're within range of it. Also, watch out for her basic attacks as they mark enemies with sunlight and show their position even when in bushes or invisible(Taka/Kestrel). Not much defense on her so go ahead and give her the Kaiten, X-Retsu, Kaku combo. Should melt right through her. In N' Out. |
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Taka |
Fighting Taka with Taka is only a problem if the other Taka goes CP. WP is no match against the lifesteal of your abilities. Against CP, though.... Let's just hope your timing is better than the other Taka's timing. |
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Baron |
This dude will have no idea that you're coming unless he has mines. His ult puts flares up on enemies so don't let it hit you.
Kill him quickly and get out fast. Too easy. |
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Koshka |
Her B ability can hit you if you're within her range and knock your Kaku off. Be wary of this and only use Kaku if 1.You have low health after her A ability and she doesn't use her B or her Ult. 2. She uses her B abiity after her A. Good amount of messing with her should run her down. Hit her multiple times (within reason) to kill her good. |
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Skaarf |
This hero is super squishy and will be a glass cannon, most of the time. Destroy him before he gets any shots at you. His Ult is probably the scariest thing about him, though he is greatly immobilized by it. Kill him before he lets out the fire, wait for a team mate to stun him out of it, or just wait him out. The last option might not fare well for you. Not much Armor or Shield on this creature so burst him down quickly. |
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Adagio |
Weapon Power can screw you over if you can't hit Kaku quick enough. Ultimate and Gift of Fire can screw you over if he is Crystal Power. Always hit him once with Kaiten then Kaku until he uses his A then hit him with both X-Retsu and Kaiten and hope that Kaku is ready or he is dead. |
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Catherine |
Do not, I reapeat, [b]DO NOT[/b] attack her while her B ability is up. If your Broken Myth is fully revved then you will sure as @#*! lose a lot of health. Her stun can also get to you if she is with her teammates. Kaku when she uses her A. It's also fun to just make her use her A ability then go towards her like you're going to attack then Kaku and go to the opposite side of the map. Wash, Rinse, Repeat the Trolls XD. Taking her out will be easy after her B+A abilities are on cooldown. |
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Glaive |
Only thing to worry about him is his attack speed and criticals. [b]BEFORE YOU ATTACK MAKE SURE KAKU IS READY!!!!![/b] |
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Lance |
This big hunk of a guy will be the one to take the damage in the most of your battles with/against him. He will most likely have a ton of armor/shield and be the one with Crucible, Aegis, Fountain, Metal Jacket, Atlas Pauldron, and War Boots.
Save this one for last if he builds just straight Tank. Then use your broken myth to slowly and surely dwindle his health into nothing. |
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Skye |
She thinks she can move around while attacking and be safe. Show her you mean business. The only thing that can really get you is her A ability. Keep hitting her with the combo and she'll die quickly enough. |
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Blackfeather |
The only thing dangerous about him is his A ability. It's rose trail follows you around even while Kaku is active, so it's easier to track you and hit you with his B, or follow you around (this also speeds him up so he can easily catch up to you). He doesn't have the best defense so you should be able to kill him quickly. In N' Out. |
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Ozo |
This dude used to scare no one. Now that I have been working on him I have been doing really well. His B ability follows Taka in Kaku if he has already jumped. |
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Ringo |
This little bugger is a little bit of a pain for Taka. His Ult. follows you around and will eventually hit you and just get annoying. His speed will get annoying too. His armor/shield is low though if he goes for damage and speed so just burst him down with the combo. |
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Alpha |
Her A ability can find you even if your Kaku is active so watchout. Make sure to finish her off. Don't knock her down and let her reboot. It's a waste of time and can be fatal for your teammates. And annoying. |
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Joule |
The only reason she is a high threat is because of her natural armor/shied and her high damage output. [b] MAKE SURE SHE DOES NOT STUN YOU OR YOU'RE DEAD[/b] |
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Reim |
This hero is probably one of the most annoying enemies for Taka. His fortifed health blocks up most of Taka's damage and effectively blocks Taka out all together. Though, if you're smart enough then you can easily jump around him dodging his every attack and just keep him from getting his fortified health and just destroy him. Eventually your Broken Myth should just power through him and you'll destroy him anyway. Keep hitting him with the combo. |
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Rona |
Not as easy to get away from as Krul because of her Ult and A abilities. They can knock out your Kaku if she plans it right. Also, watch out for her B ability as it can quickly burst your health down. and might even kill you if your health is low enough.
Another thing, her defense shold be quite sturdy if she is to do any damage to anything so she will be well defended against your attacks. Melt her health away using numerous quick attacks. Guerrilla style. No, not Ozo's Gorrilla style. Oh, whatever. Will take some time. |
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Ardan |
Easy enough to kill. Annoying when he uses Vanguard on his teammates. His Gauntlet is the only thing that is truly deadly to you. Especially if both of you just turned level six, because then your cooldownws aren't exactly low enough to be extremely lethal and it lasts longer than your Kaku does, and even then, they might have a flare/flare gun/contraption. Watch out... |
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Petal |
Watch out for her seeds. They provide a little bit of vision along with the fact that they also explode if you step on them and do quite a bit of damage when you do. Also, her Munions WILL follow you, EVEN IF you're invisible. Make sure she is attacking one of your team-mates before you give her the combo. |
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Samuel |
This dude has a very good way to find invisible characters. Watch out for his B ability most of all. Don't let his A ability hit you while empowered, especially if he has Broken Myth. He won't have too much shield or health so burst him down and take him out before he gets you. |
7 |
In reality: This guy is as fast as a snail when his spin up is in full drive. He gains one Armor and Shield for each stack of spin-up though. Watch out for that B ability as it can knock your Kaku off. Don't let a CP SAW get you with the three hit combo of A,B,A. It will kill you. Especially if he has Broken Myth. WP SAW is probably more of a threat than CP because he can knock your Kaku off with his B then finish you off with his basic attacks. Though in order for him to do much damage to anything then he has to build boots and Armor which takes up space for damage items. If he's over powered then hit him with the combo and just wait for his health to dissipate. He will try to run but can't. Finish him and put him out of his misery. |
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Kestrel |
All of the fun battles are had with her XD. People who play her always make it fun to battle against her (only if they build Crystal). Her prolonged invisibility from building crystal makes it interesting with Taka's limited invisibilty. Watch out for her glimmershots and her phosphor mist (especially if she has built crystal). Not much armor/shield on her, though. Give her the full combo, if you can. In' N' Out. |
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Lyra |
This Healer is probably the only hero that can truly stop you in your tracks. Her B ability does literally that, snares you to where you can't use your Kaiten or X-Retsu, and slows you enough to burst your health low enough to where you'll have to take a break from fighting. She will normally be built like Lance, but watch out. She can use her Ult. to get right beside you, snare you and then burst you down if she has Alternating Current or Broken Myth. |
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Vox |
This dude can find anyone, anywhere. His Heroic ability, resonance, makes his attacks bounce to two nearby targets which is deadly group control if he builds CP. His B ability marks ANYONE within the radius of it. His A ability will then throw two basic attacks at the nearest visible target marked by resonance. His Ult will also bounce an attack to other heroes nearby. Watch out because these bounces, or resonations, will follow you around. Even if you're in Kaku. Stay away from other friendlies if he is CP and attack him alone. If he is WP then just team up on him. He doesn't have a lot of Armor or Shield so just take him out quickly and get it over with. |
10 |
In my head: No one can beat SAW. His awesomeness is too great. Don't even try. |
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