Additional Screenshot: imgur.com/pFgaAXZ.jpg
END GAME Build completed in the 23rd minute: https://imgur.com/GwuBwwF.jpg
Early Game
Focus on farming in the lane with Thunder Strike

Don't stay stationary; always meander around the lane to avoid being damaged. When an opponent is around, stay away until your Thunder Strike is available. Then, quickly maneuver yourself so that the enemy is inside the edge of your Thunder Strike's range. Swiftly use Thunder Strike on the enemy. Immediately afterwards, get out of the enemy's range until your Thunder Strike is available again.
This is pretty annoying Guerilla Warfare (War of Attrition), but it helps you stay alive and continue farming until you get your ultimate at level 6. Don't worry about racking up kills right now, just keep your enemies at bay until you have your ultimate.
Mid Game
Buy Frostburn

Late Game
Buy Broken Myth

(Crystal Bit

How to Attain Easy Kills
Try to get your enemies grouped together.
- Rocket Leap
ahead of opponent(s)
- Thunder Strike
for an instant Single, Double, or Triple Kill depending your enemies' shield and health.
Takes a bit of practice because Joule's Ultimate is a skill shot. If you can get it right, easy double kills all day (especially against squishy mages and assassins).
TLDR: Frostburn
+ Broken Myth
+ 3x Shatterglass
= An ultimate
that can essentially one hit K.O.
VainGlory Username: LotusThunder
Reddit Username: King_Of_The_Land
P.S. Before anyone points this out: Yes I understand this build has zero defense besides Joule's Heroic Peak; however, the best defense is a good offense. I can usually kill my opponent(s) before they can get off any abilities that cause heavy damage. Furthermore, Joule's Heavy Plating should be enough to allow her to survive most basic attacks.
Also, I can post more screenshots if people believe that the screenshots I provided are too small of a sample size to validate the efficacy of this build.
EDIT 9/1/16 - Added an additional screenshot
EDIT 9/2/16 - Added another additional screenshot
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