I played Ardan my first few times last night in the solo que - where I do all of my playing. Using this guide I had a hard time leveling, since people don't often like to farm together, and Ardan's dps is low. I think upgrading to Stormguard Banner and Warhorn would be best.
-Ironguard and Stormguard help you level faster, and you will usually be the one tanking the miners/kraken
-You have Chronograph and Ironguard in your build so you already have it 3/5 built.
-As a support role, gold is hard to come by, Ironguard helps
-Warhorn has a nice support component to it
-The DPS of Aftershock isn't that great without more crystal, especially by the time you get it.
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not personally convinced with using shiversteel though
Hmm.... nice guide but I usually like two defense two offence and two utillitys for my builds.
This is an Ardan specialized in Tank role. Also, it's beneficial to leave one slot for consumables.
-Ironguard and Stormguard help you level faster, and you will usually be the one tanking the miners/kraken
-You have
-As a support role, gold is hard to come by, Ironguard helps
-Warhorn has a nice support component to it
-The DPS of
I will try your build again tonight getting
Also creds pls.