Heavily Detailed Weapon Power Vox guide by Sleepys

Heavily Detailed Weapon Power Vox guide

By: Sleepys
Last Updated: Feb 12, 2017
5 Votes
Build 1 of 1


Build: Lane dominance

Ability Path

Julia's Song
Heroic Perk
Sonic Zoom
Wait for It

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
Adagio Rarely seen as a laner. But sometimes he is there. Not much of a threat due to his kit. Just keep your distance and use b, resonance, to push wave. His a ability will push wave. Stay away from your minions for every last hit. His a will burn you and even though it's not much the damage will add up. So basically last hit. Play safe for late game, you will not kill him 1v1.
Krul One of the easiest imo. Simply get earlyrics Atlas and u win. He is a all in hero. Kite him and Ull be ok. Kite him for days
Reim Another easy matchup. Usually a carry from jg. Kite him for days. His ultamite is very dodable due to its long wind up. Basically kite. And victory
Samuel Samuel is the weakest carry imo. His team fight is weak. His ultamite is very easy to dodge. Easier to dodge than kosh ult. Simply stay off his b abilty and u will win easy. Watch his movements when he throws a. Take the first hit then move the opposite way. To mamy players walk the same way he does. Simply walk the opposite and you win every trade.
Skaarf Easy matchup due to your mobilty. His fireball is a slowowing projectile. Simply dodge and u win. Kite around him. Apply slow and kite him away. Solo q scarfs usually shot downward. Kite upward and I'll do fine
Baron Very easy lane. Reason is his whole kit is kitable. Very reliant on Atck spd. Run around and Dodge his a. Don't be afraid to trade with him. You will come out on top most of the time. Everything about him is very obvious so just play around it.
Celeste Easiest match up imo. Every move she does is very baitable. Simply bait it out. The moment you weave around her she won't be able to do much. But one mis step may spell death late game. Basically kite around her. Easy pz
Ardan Rarely seen in lane. Roamed who relis heavily on team. A arran who goes damage is a free kill for you. One who goes defensive is slightly a threat but simply ignore him on team fights. His ultimate is easily dodgable. Throw up your block and walk out. One way to figure out a good ardan from a bad one is whether he uses his ultimate defensively or offensivly. His kit revolves alot of all ins. Considering his a is a speed up escape or chase. His b is a frontal atack, very agressive, and his ultimate creates a field or a battleground. If you are inside his ultamite. You can simply fight it out or block out. Depending on team comp. Most of the time this allows for easy ultamite from Vox because the moment he ultamite the enemies will be bundled up. Use this opportunity to land easy 3 hero ultamite hits.
Joule Cp joules are kitable and easy win. Wp joules are a little more dofficult. Her passive makes her tanks thus kiting is key to winning. All her skills are skillshits. Dodge and win. Kite for days. Run away if she's in your face
Phinn Very easy match up due to his kit. Everything is very easy to dodge dup to a abilty. Like kosh. It's very easy to dodge his ultamite due to the timing it gives you to react. Imo it's plenty of time.dodge that and you win the fights. But as usual it depends on team comps. Meaning do they have followups if not kite and victory.
Rona Easy matchup due to her kite. You just kit and you win. Her ultamite is very slow. Ping teammates back and just kit her. Easy win. Atlas is key
Idris Not much a problem. Kite and get early atlas. He is very kitable since most max their b first. Simply dodge this skill and I'll win the trade.
Lyra Easy match up imo. Stack up on potions every time you come back to lane. If she harasses with her heal. It means you get free harass. I usually dodge forward and trade. If the Lyra is a roamer. She will lack damage. Play safe and farm up. If she goes damage. Get early crits and shiv to deny heal. Even though shiv is very weak item atm. The mortal wound is very powerful
  No Threat
Blackfeather Rare to see as a laner but I've seen it a few times. He b harasses that's it. His power spikes mid and late game. If he comes a you. Use your minions damage to counter it. If you dodge his b. You should out trade him and kite him. Of he does proc his shield simply wait it out then trade. Late game I recommend atlas. He is in your face most of the time. Easy resonance kite. With Atck spd slow. Shouldn't be to hard.
Catherine Considered the best roamer this patch imo. Solid stun with a powerful ultamite. Warding is your key to victory in this match-up. Play safe and max resonance for slow and she shouldn't be a probelm. One stun usually means death so staying alive is key. Vision is key I repeat vision is key to victory vs her. Late game. Block her ultamite. Let your allies lead the fight. Kite and you should be OK
Fortress A good fortress will be a problem. Depending on how agressive their team comp is. He may be a problem. But very kitable. Late game the moment he uses his a. A mark will appear on your head. Use your boots and a away u will not get hit. That's your chance to turn and fight jt out. If you get hit by his a. Run off and back off till it wares off. The mvspd for his team spells death. His ultamite has easy resonanice bounces. Back off. Clear his wolves then fight. Don't fight with his wolves up. Basically clear path. Then kite fighr
Glaive Play a game with glaive as if your playing a game against a alpha or flicker. Vision is key. It is very obvious when he is going in. He only has one skill to block. If you block it. Basically you can kite him for days. Requires experience and confidence when going against him. If you can deny him enough times. Ulla simply carry the game with him doing no damage. Basically stay alive. And farm up
Ringo Imo very even matchup. His passive depends on Monion kills. Trade when he doesn't have it up. Don't trade when he does. Farm up. Ull out carry due to your AOE. Simply stay alive or get ganks and get ahead
Skye Skyes are typically to mobile with their b. If you time it right you can dodge all her kite. If you do she's very reliant on auto attacking which your kit out shines her autos. Basically kit her abilities and you will win. Her ult is very easy to dodge also due to long windup
Vox Depends purely on farm and teams ganks. Out farm and u win. Get defensive early. Early Game use your mining as a way to get damage. His resonance will apply monion aggro.
  No Threat
Kestrel Depending on skill. Vision is key. Simply dodge around her b. Hide behind minions. Try to not fight around try bush and bushes that lead to lane. Visionis key. You should be able to kite around her a ability but she does do alot of damage. Get early armor and hide behind minions
Lance Basically if he lands his a u die. If not you win. Simple as that. There is a .5 sec window to dodge his a. Never dodge towards the line. Dodge left or right. Even if it means dodging towards enemy team. Ull survive.
Petal Very popular this patch. Almost permanent banned. Apply resonance and kite. Easy match up depending how fed pedal is early defensive is a must
Flicker Another matchup that vision is key. At around 10 minutes mark. If your roamed doesn't have flare I recommend you investing one. Yes it fills a spot that could be damage but. Safety and vision is key. Atm he can go full tank and still solo you. Very broken atm imo. Play safe. The momens you move past the halfway point on map. Throw a vision. Chances are they are thefe. Basically vision and kite.
Gwen Considered carry of the patch. Very easy hero due to burst and kit. Get early armor and Atk speed. You both are hard carries. But one thing you do have that she doesn't is mobility. Late game stay around teammates and kite around. Farm up and wait for ganks.if you must trade. Don't let her stack up her passive. Trade when her passive is down and you should out trade
Koshka Everyone knows the power of her early. Her ultamite gives you plenty if time to block it. Play safe and ward. Keep your eyes on minimap. Assume she's in busy when you don't see her. Vision is key. Hugood towers and I'll be fine. Simply don't let her get kills from you early and I'll be alright. Get early defensive items and I'll be alright. Basically survive her burst and I'll win every fight
Alpha Another rare laner. Mostly seen as a carry jngler. She's very power full and her kit denis kiting. If she's on the enemy team. Get early defensive items. Try to survive. With resonance maxing first you will have slow to help kit. Rely on team to help and ping for focus on her. One way to tell a good alpha from a bad one is how she uses her ultimate. If she throws it before she's even close to dying. You can ease up a little. Just kite and use your A ability to dodge around. If your roamed doesn't build Atlas item. I recommend it 3rd item. The Atck spd slow will deny alot of damage from her also heal.
Ozo Cp ozo is very powerfull if played right. Kite and and use resonance for slow. Mortal wound is an amazing item against him. Survive his brust and you win. Boot up and a away I'll usually dodge his ult if you do it right. A difficult match-up
SAW Very difficult due to his dps. Don't ever 1v1. Wait for ganks. And hope. Naw jk. Trade while he uses b abilty. One auto then walk off. Let him push use towers to help you. Mortal wouND is key. If your tower goes down. It's an issue. Thus ask for ganks early and if you pull it off hes useless. Imo if u win lane win game vs him
Taka Takes are pretty annoying. A fed taka is a dead vox. Get early defensive items. Stay around team. Vision is key. Like other burst. Survive burst and u win with kite

Introduction Top

Hi, the names Sleepys

I am currently a t8/Simply Amazing carry main

This is my first ever guide to vainglory. I come from a moba background so most of this isn't that new to me. Thanks for checking out my guide. Hope it helps you with your climb

Vox Abilities explained Top

Julia's Song
Hero: Vox | Slot: Heroic Perk
Vox's abilities mark enemies with Resonance. When basic attacking enemies with Resonance, bolts will bounce outwards to two nearby enemies dealing 20/60/80/100/140 (+90% crystal ratio) crystal damage and refreshing and spreading Resonance. (Resonance bounces deal 50% damage to minions.)

This is Vox's ability to do are damage. With WP build you won't worry that much about this but it's still nice to have

Sonic Zoom
Hero: Vox | Slot: A|5/4.5/4/3.5/3|40/40/40/40/40
Vox dashes in the targeted direction, throwing two basic attacks to the nearest enemy marked by Resonance (prioritizing heroes).
Basic Attack Damage: 50%/50%/50%/50%/60%

This is Vox's A ability. His main ability to kite and deal damage. Use it to get to lane faster and Dodge incoming skill shots. Even chase enemies and also it's a auto attack reset

Hero: Vox | Slot: B|10/10/10/10/7|30/35/40/45/50
Vox emits a sonic pulse that echoes off nearby enemies and applies Resonance. The pulse applies a slow that is significantly stronger near its center. Each upgrade to Pulse increases the damage of Vox's bouncing attacks to enemy heroes.
Bounce Damage Bonus: 25/50/75/100/150
Slow At Center: 20%/22%/24%/26%/30%
Slow At Edge: 10%/12%/14%/16%/20%

This is Vox's B ability. This is his kiting skill. The slow becomes massive and very useful for hard escapes and chases. We max this first for security measures

Wait for It
Hero: Vox | Slot: C|70/55/40|80/80/80
Vox fires an ultrasonic wave that applies Resonance to enemies in its path and refreshes all Resonance. Shortly after, a wide shockwave explodes along the same path, dealing crystal damage and silencing enemies. Striking enemy heroes with the shockwave will also cause Resonance to bounce.
Initial Damage: 100/150/200
Shockwave Damage: 200/300/400
Silence Duration: 0.7/0.7/0.7

This is Vox's game changing ability. It does a ton of damage at higher levels and very strong. If used at the right time you will win most fights straight out. It apply Resonance and silences. It's a beauty

Early Game Top

Now early game is quite simple. With the new jngle camp. Go with jngler and contest the 3rd. I usually signal to clear our own jg first the constest the big camp. After helping gout to lane a proceed with normal farming.

1st: Key to harass. You need to watch your laner to see if he's gonna last hit or harass you. If he last hits. You harass. Then back off. The first potion you take from shop in my opinion is harass potion if that makes any sense. Force him or her to burn his potion.

2nd: don't harass over farm. Never trade if you cannot last hit well. I'm trading is not worth if you are down cs to your opponent.

3rd: when u trade. Hit them once then look at map. Never extend past the halfway point for a trade. Never ever.

4th: only resonce push if they are pushing you in. Meaning. Don't push wave unless u know where their jnglers are. You want to keep a steady wave. Most of the time they will push u in.

5th: push wave all the way before backing. Ask for help frme jnglers.

Towers Top

Now on the subject of first tower/turret. Protect it with your life. What does it mean if it goes down?

1:the enemy team just got global gold. That's a nono

2: this allows thier laner to roam. With no risk. He simply comes back to farm when wave is pushed back to his tower.

3. Against a aaw. Yes I understand the problem this is where resonance for wave equilibrium comes into play.

4. Stall landing phase for as long as you can.

5. Simply stay alive and farm. Stop dying

Mid game Top

This is where the game is around 12 15 minutes in. Teams are looking for objectives. Meaning first towers and gold mines. Keys to look for when you should target a objective.

1: is it a 2v3. If yes then look for a objective.

2: is a tower down? If it is push in a lane to apply minion wave tension on a tower. This allows you to quickly take gold mine. If they come contest, minions are pushing their tower thus meaning free damage. And if you happen to ace them. Another free tower.

3: Id it's your tower that is down. I recommend quickly pusing that wave before attempting to do anything risky.

Kraken Top

Kraken spawns at 15 minutes. Under no circumstance should you ever take it at 15 unless they are aced. But. The early the Kraken the stronger it's push will be due to the time of the game. It's early thus they will do less damage to the kraken. 1/2 towers is expected. Risky but worth if pulled off.

Kraken should only be taken late game if aces or 2v3s, which is still risky but bait able also.

Late game Top

Late game revolves strictly on either baits or catching mistakes. This is where warding comes on handy. Mines will be your best friend.never face check bushes. Expect every bush to have enemies in it.

Vox as a carry/ how to play Top

Vox imo is the strongest carry of the whole game. Due to his aoe. And damage potential. Now first thing to learn is

1. Know that he is very mobile. That is a strong point of his. Considering he can dish out damage and Dodge skill shots at the same time is insane!
Ex. Saw has damage but. Is very immobile. The moment people get in his face it is most likely a dead saw.

2. What he lacks in power he gains in mobility just remember that. Now on how to dodge skill shots. To be honest it just come with experience like all things. Reading this guide won't make u suddenly be a juke king. No it comes earn hard earned experience. But one simple trick I can teach you is most of the time you will be using your A ability to go back wards or side ways. Never ever use it to go forward. BTW it crits!

Now. The most important ability to Vox is his ult. If you land a 3 man ult. Ulla likely win that fight. Why you ask? Because it silences. The moment it silences that includes almost 2 auto attacks from you. Meaning 2 resonating bounces with your auto damage. Most likely their carries are 2/3 health are gone. Beautiful burst. But the key is the moment u land those two autos. Immediately kite back. Walk away for a split second. Then come back. Learn to lite around and nudge damage. He is about continuous damage not 100 to 0 burst.

Prolonged fights are his favorite fights. Stay behind your roamer/Captain at all times.

As sad as it sounds let your jngler go in and die for you.I don't mean stand back and let him die. You need to be in the fight dishing out damage while staying safe frok the side lines.

If you get rushed. Simply runaway. They will for sure switch targets this is where you return to the fight.and stay at a safe distance whilst damage enemies.

Why do I go tension blade and crown? And what's with all these potions!? Top

Early Game tension blade the strongest item imo. Why? It apply 180 to your auto attack every 5 seconds. That's a chunk of harass don't you agree? It's cheap too!

Why go crown? That's a jungle item!. No carlos. It applies true damage. True damage is basically unblock able damage. No amount of armor will block it. That's INSANE. It's garentrenteed damageee. That's why. But do feel free to not go it. But do u ever wonder why reamers do damage? It's this exact item.

Why do I have a potion on every back? Because it's super cheap. And it had saved me so many times. U won't regret it. It's a good habit. Also flares too. SAFETY COMES FIRST

Kiting Top

So many of you may be new to this term. What is kiting. It is basically

Dealing damage while moving. Tap enemy then talk away to run. Then repeat. With voxs B ability this makes this easy. It will apply a slow. This is why I choose to max it and get the overdrive. Survivability is key. You cannot dps if your dead XD. It may be hard at first but with the tap instead of mouse. This is much easier IMO.


BTW please excuse the errors. I wrote this whole guide with my phone. I dont have a computer on me. Aha thanks again much love <3

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