I have not encountered one battle where atlas paulddron's have been used. I haven't looked in to it but couldn't you just use your abilities and then walk away for the remaining 3 seconds of the duration (5 second duration). I picked out my items to not only be effective, but also cost effective. Tornado trigger costs less than the critical hit crown(i forgot the name) and sorrowblade. I'm sure adding a sorrowblade or crown thingy would help. thankyou for the reply!
Edit: you're right about the threat rates being off, but it all changes drastically to either polar ends depending on how one plays and the build of the opponent. If you play glaive right and get the upper hand, to burst then grind people, ranged and typically low health heroes are goners. I'll edit the threat bad a bit thankyou
Walking away won't be as good as you might imagine XD you might get hard cc ed while running, or even get killed because of some ranged hero ( and most prob a melee hero with him, why will a ranged hero get atlas? ) the Crit hit crown is called Tyrant's Monocle. And while it costs less than it, it may not be as effective. Though I found getting either of them pretty much the same.
EDIT: forgot to mention, if in a teamfight and you walk away, the 3 second might just let your teammates die.
I have not encountered one battle where atlas paulddron's have been used. I haven't looked in to it but couldn't you just use your abilities and then walk away for the remaining 3 seconds of the duration (5 second duration). I picked out my items to not only be effective, but also cost effective. Tornado trigger costs less than the critical hit crown(i forgot the name) and sorrowblade. I'm sure adding a sorrowblade or crown thingy would help. thankyou for the reply!
Edit: you're right about the threat rates being off, but it all changes drastically to either polar ends depending on how one plays and the build of the opponent. If you play glaive right and get the upper hand, to burst then grind people, ranged and typically low health heroes are goners. I'll edit the threat bad a bit thankyou
Enemy gets Atlas paulddron, you become useless in teamfights.
Also, the ones you chose to put in threat level 3 are not that easy as you expect. I suggest switching one Thornado trigger out for SorrowBlade, because Crit + normal Attack = good. crit + Tons of base Attack damage is very good. There's two catherine in the threat bar btw, hope you can fix soon ^_^
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I have not encountered one battle where atlas paulddron's have been used. I haven't looked in to it but couldn't you just use your abilities and then walk away for the remaining 3 seconds of the duration (5 second duration). I picked out my items to not only be effective, but also cost effective. Tornado trigger costs less than the critical hit crown(i forgot the name) and sorrowblade. I'm sure adding a sorrowblade or crown thingy would help. thankyou for the reply!
Edit: you're right about the threat rates being off, but it all changes drastically to either polar ends depending on how one plays and the build of the opponent. If you play glaive right and get the upper hand, to burst then grind people, ranged and typically low health heroes are goners. I'll edit the threat bad a bit thankyou
Walking away won't be as good as you might imagine XD you might get hard cc ed while running, or even get killed because of some ranged hero ( and most prob a melee hero with him, why will a ranged hero get atlas? ) the Crit hit crown is called
EDIT: forgot to mention, if in a teamfight and you walk away, the 3 second might just let your teammates die.
Edit: you're right about the threat rates being off, but it all changes drastically to either polar ends depending on how one plays and the build of the opponent. If you play glaive right and get the upper hand, to burst then grind people, ranged and typically low health heroes are goners. I'll edit the threat bad a bit thankyou
Also, the ones you chose to put in threat level 3 are not that easy as you expect. I suggest switching one Thornado trigger out for SorrowBlade, because Crit + normal Attack = good. crit + Tons of base Attack damage is very good. There's two catherine in the threat bar btw, hope you can fix soon ^_^