nice guide. I mostly main support when i am in any ranked play. One reason for this i guess is where i am a newer player to the fold. i started off learning support because it seems to be the position that is always needed. i also figured if i can learn to be a great support player that the transfer to playing as a carry will not be to bad of a transition. [OR at least i hope not :)] and btw thx for tips!!
Transitioning will always be tough, although I highly recommend playing carries a few times so you can understand at what times is best for them to engage, and when is not. You will be surprise of the different in tankiness between carries and tanks the first time you play them.
Very good guide! I am an avid Ardan player and love to play him. I perfer Ardan over Cath, and mainly because im getting tired of playing with her. Vanguard to save allies that make ******ed moves, and gauntlet to completely shut down a Menacing Taka-(I Dont use it JUST for that.)
Thanks man! Also for taka a simple flare shuts him down. Even better, if you predict his box and flare before he boxes, sometimes they decide to not box anyway since one hit and that's a wasted box.
I swore I saw a Taka stealth through my gauntlet without getting stunned. Can he do this? Also, I swore I saw a lot of people say Taka is bad now, but I hope I'm wrong, I think he's cool to lol.
Solid guild, however, I would like to make a suggestion that an early light armor should be bought before finishing fountain because I tend to die easily despite double oak hearth when enemy is heavy WP.
If your enemy is actually attacking you before your teammates, your're doing your job as a protector (unless you constantly get caught out). Imo an early armor doesn't overweight the health scaling to vanguard your teammates. It is however crucial as a carry to buy an early T1 defence.
lly attacking you before your teammates, your're doing your job as a protector (unless you constantly get caught out). Imo an early armor doesn't overweight the health scaling to vanguard your teammates. It is however crucial as a carry to buy an early T1 defence.
Early on they may choose to focus either one of you down, since damage outputs are relatively the same between you and your carry early on.
That shouldn't be the case after first rotation. I only buy an early shield if there is an "OP" hero on the enemy team such as 1.11 Koshka, and Skye. Still then if I need an early shield first rotation that indicates something is really wrong with the balance.
So yeah as I said in the guide "everything is situational", it really depends on the patch and enemy comp, but i still recommend double oakheart as a "general" start.
Nice guide, much better compared to when it first started (formatting, etc.). However I would say forego Metal Jacket completely. There's almost never a time where a WP carry goes full pure WP and neglects attack speed. Even if it's Joule, her Thunder Strike cooldown scales with attack speed, so I'd say Atlas is a must almost all the time.
The extra 40 dmg (<20 after mitigation calculations with simply a light armor/ fountain) is simply not worth the tradeoff for an extra 2 seconds of CC. Only time it's worth maxing is when building WP ardan for the extra ratio (which is not he point of this guide).
It's rarely built in higher tiers for 2 reasons:
1. It's simply more cost effective to buy mines and flares (contraption doesn't help win teamfights, a fountain however does). The money from assists from the won teamfights are worth way more than the money eventually saved from contraption.
2. By the time you have extra gold to build it, the game has already ended, or entered a phase where simply flares are enough.
I find that aftershock and alternating currents with your core works extremely well.I start the same early game tank then work towards those in the end. I also max my a and b tho. Ult is good but if you run contraption and aftershock you can have a 60 sec cd and 9 sec cd on vaingaurd and 13 sec on punch.
I wouldn't recommend maxing B. Once you get into higher tiers, the extra 40 damage doesn't outweighs the extra 10 sec cool down and 2 second longer ult. The ability to manipulate your battlefield to your advantage is very important, and also protects your carry who *should hopefully be smart enough to stand outside for free shots.
Also, alternating current really doesn't go well with his kit. If you really want to go offensive Ardan (which I don't recommend in higher tiers), I'd pick up a shiver steel and breaking point.
Remember, don't be greedy as a tank. By building yourself unkillable, you can bait them to attack you while your vanguard also keeps your teammates alive. Outplaying the enemy support is a free ticket to victory (unless your teammates are utter morons who can't take care of themselves).
I wouldn't recommend maxing B. Once you get into higher tiers, the extra 40 damage doesn't outweighs the extra 10 sec cool down and 2 second longer ult. The ability to manipulate your battlefield to your advantage is very important, and also protects your carry who *should hopefully be smart enough to stand outside for free shots.
Also, alternating current really doesn't go well with his kit. If you really want to go offensive Ardan (which I don't recommend in higher tiers), I'd pick up a shiver steel and breaking point.
Remember, don't be greedy as a tank. By building yourself unkillable, you can bait them to attack you while your vanguard also keeps your teammates alive. Outplaying the enemy support is a free ticket to victory (unless your teammates are utter morons who can't take care of themselves).
2 second less of a ult time hardly matters, hell even if Gauntlet lasted for 3 seconds it would be alright. Mere seconds are what it takes for you and your carries to shut an isolated enemy down.
Also, building yourself unkillable doesn't mean your carries are unkillable. If you try to bait them in, more often than not they'll switch to your carries immediately once they come in sight.
Building dual Dragonhearts to ward off CP carries is not a good idea since because of the reason I stated above and the fact that you have no utility - which is why I always get a IGC-built item when I play supports first or second (Warhorn, Contraption).
Some of your points are actually very true. The dual dragon heart build is to further build into utility -- warhorn or shiversteel. CP heroes rely on instant burst, and this is where the dual dragonheart comes in -- a very big barrier on vanguard, enough to mitigate a full Brokenmyth stacked helio or spitfire if timed correctly.
As for building Ardan unkillable, I was referring to spending them on either support items. Since in the guide i mentioned not to go for selfish defense items, any other support items of your choice will have utility and grant defense anyway.
And no offense, but warhorn/contraption as first item is never built in high tiers for a reason -- it doesn't contribute to the fight. (With the exception of cantraption Cath in [1.9], it provided too much utility)
Also, once you start playing Ardan, against a tankier team a full Gauntlet duration is a must. The point of the Gaunlet is to disrupt the enemy as long as possible, a mere 3 seconds, hell even the 6 seconds with 2 skill points is hardly enough as late game approaches. I don't see the point of trading extra seconds for a ~25 extra damage on a 20sec cooldown skill (~25 is considering base armor, <20 bonus if any sort of armor is built).
Everyone has their own preferred playstyle, and what works for you is the best build. This guide is to provide info and tips for less experienced players from a Ardan main since he came out.
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lly attacking you before your teammates, your're doing your job as a protector (unless you constantly get caught out). Imo an early armor doesn't overweight the health scaling to vanguard your teammates. It is however crucial as a carry to buy an early T1 defence.
Early on they may choose to focus either one of you down, since damage outputs are relatively the same between you and your carry early on.
So yeah as I said in the guide "everything is situational", it really depends on the patch and enemy comp, but i still recommend double oakheart as a "general" start.
Still though, +1
Contraption gives you infinite vision and even stats. What's not to love?
IMO one shouldn't prioritize it over Fountain but it is very useful.
1. It's simply more cost effective to buy mines and flares (contraption doesn't help win teamfights, a fountain however does). The money from assists from the won teamfights are worth way more than the money eventually saved from contraption.
2. By the time you have extra gold to build it, the game has already ended, or entered a phase where simply flares are enough.
Also, alternating current really doesn't go well with his kit. If you really want to go offensive Ardan (which I don't recommend in higher tiers), I'd pick up a shiver steel and breaking point.
Remember, don't be greedy as a tank. By building yourself unkillable, you can bait them to attack you while your vanguard also keeps your teammates alive. Outplaying the enemy support is a free ticket to victory (unless your teammates are utter morons who can't take care of themselves).
Also, alternating current really doesn't go well with his kit. If you really want to go offensive Ardan (which I don't recommend in higher tiers), I'd pick up a shiver steel and breaking point.
Remember, don't be greedy as a tank. By building yourself unkillable, you can bait them to attack you while your vanguard also keeps your teammates alive. Outplaying the enemy support is a free ticket to victory (unless your teammates are utter morons who can't take care of themselves).
2 second less of a ult time hardly matters, hell even if Gauntlet lasted for 3 seconds it would be alright. Mere seconds are what it takes for you and your carries to shut an isolated enemy down.
Also, building yourself unkillable doesn't mean your carries are unkillable. If you try to bait them in, more often than not they'll switch to your carries immediately once they come in sight.
Building dual Dragonhearts to ward off CP carries is not a good idea since because of the reason I stated above and the fact that you have no utility - which is why I always get a IGC-built item when I play supports first or second (Warhorn, Contraption).
As for building Ardan unkillable, I was referring to spending them on either support items. Since in the guide i mentioned not to go for selfish defense items, any other support items of your choice will have utility and grant defense anyway.
And no offense, but warhorn/contraption as first item is never built in high tiers for a reason -- it doesn't contribute to the fight. (With the exception of cantraption Cath in [1.9], it provided too much utility)
Also, once you start playing Ardan, against a tankier team a full Gauntlet duration is a must. The point of the Gaunlet is to disrupt the enemy as long as possible, a mere 3 seconds, hell even the 6 seconds with 2 skill points is hardly enough as late game approaches. I don't see the point of trading extra seconds for a ~25 extra damage on a 20sec cooldown skill (~25 is considering base armor, <20 bonus if any sort of armor is built).
Everyone has their own preferred playstyle, and what works for you is the best build. This guide is to provide info and tips for less experienced players from a Ardan main since he came out.