Early game Top
Cystal Taka early game doesnt shine much, So avoid fights until you are at least level 6 and can do some serious damage with your abilities. Start with energy battery go for Iron guard contract and boots. After some farming build for warhorn. It will help you farm much faster and also gives you reduced cooldowns and energy recharge. Wich an ability Taka should have.
Mid game Top
What you want to do is get aftershock and tension bow. Those 2 items will almost kill an enemy. Go for the adc on the other team or any easy kills you pick up. Always wait for the after shock passive as it is a huge help:)
Finish shatterglass and the last item its your pick you neither go for a deffensive item if you feel the nee for but with crucible you will almost get out alive using your kaku. If the enemy team does get aegis then Broken myth is a must in your build, if they go with crucible you wanna get another shatter glass .
This skill gives taka stealth and it is his escape mean. When you use it be gutsy and try to outolay your enemy. If you are on the middle of a fight and you use kaku don't go at your jungle/lane, go to theirs they will most likely follow you to your jungle/ lane.You can recall home easily, or use the chance to stay there to farm a bit and then recall. Also if you engage an enemy with this combo C A and B they will most likely not even land a single hit, You leap in A to their back and then disappear, they will not know what him them. Don't do this you are are 1vs3 or even 1vs2. As Taka doesn't have any crowd control abilities you will most likely be targeted.
Farming Top
A crystal build taka is gonna have a hard time farming minions as his auto attack is not gonna the best obviously but that warhorn is going to kick in and you will just be fine so take your ti e to farm dont fall behind in levels or gold. The best source of money for cp taka is the jungle. Take out the most of your ironguard contract. And with a jungle partner try to gank as much as possible for the extra gold. Always keep an eye at the lane as soon as you see a low hp enemy burst them down, get a couple minions last hits and go back to the jungle.
The Kraken Top
If you are the only one alive for your team and the enemy is getting the Kraken, With X-retsu you are gonna have a easy steal. Just when they are about to get him all you have to do is ult The Kraken, Since your ult will do about 700 damage it will be easy. Then kaku to escape, if its not possible to get closer without being seen the kaku to get closer and steal him. Or for a brave player burst the lowest hp enemy and kaku out of there wait for 3-4 sec for the cool down and kill the next one. Repeat for the other enemy. It will most likely be a easy triple kill. But still be careful, and know when and where to approach. If you don't like the risks just steal him and wait for your team to come.
Team fights Top
Well taka hasnt the most sustain dmg in the gamed so avoid being the iniatiar. Gonthe the team ADC ( petal/ringo/SAW/Adagio ) and you should always kaku in the team fights either to get in or get out :)
Scout traps Top
Those are sometimes life savers. Put the near jungle camps and see your taka go through walls. When bing chased this can save your life. You should use them at all time they not only do dmg but also give you vision help your laner not get ganked or in some rare cases secure a kill with it.
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