Basics Top
Hello everyone I'm new to creating builds so please forgive me if I have any mistakes in this guild.
So ya, Taka is an agile Assassinator who can snipe a enemy and easily disappear. This build talks about Taka's basics,his weapon build. First we max out his first move Kaiten to level 5 and kaku between intervals and finally max out his X retsu. Taka users should use his boost speed as a key to catch up or runaway from enemies his kaku move makes him disappear and can be used to escape or reach strategic positions in the game,his ultimate x retsu should be used to snipe enemies and take them down.
Weapon guide Top
We first build towards a tension bow which deals destructive damage at early game, we need to farm a lot to have a higher advantage over the enemy then we get a sprint boot and then work towards getting a sorrowblade while building a for a sorrow blade get a blazing salvo and piercing spear. Finally buy a aegis or Metal jacket or crucible depending upon the enemy build if the enemy has a aegis I recommend buying a broken myth for shield pierce. Buy journey boots if necessary or you can do with travel boots , I recommend alternating current since it gives Taka extra crystal power to his moves and extra crystal damage to his basic attacks.

when ever I read builds I always think whether it would work so I'll post a screen shot. Though my kills and deaths don't look to exceptional have a look at the assists of each teammate. This build makes taka to be a exceptional hero in the game as he is good at solo as well as team fights.
Conclusion Top
So that's that guys I couldn't make it elaborate since I didn't have much time i would be happy to listen to your comments and queries and make improvements to this build. If time permits I'll create new builds on different characters.
Thanks to the covetousduke to motivate me to make this build .
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