Also, I found a mistake. On the carry synergy section Blackfeather's B actually slows the enemies. If he build shiversteel, his ULT can slow everyone at once.
I recently hit POA and was wondering what tips you have to combat teams with a lot of cc against reim. Even once hitting his skillshots, at this level his burst/sustain seems to be ineffective.
This is a great build! Before I checked this I used a very simmilar build and had different starting items. I used a frostburn over ALternating current. (Much prefer that slow for your spells over your auto attacks) and I would recommend buying boots & crystal bit first (this gives great ganking power after your first jungle clear) (Boots-A-B gets them every time)
You must be an aggressive Reim player then if you have boots. I tend to play against a lot of ranged heroes in the jungle, so I tend to play more passive. I also like to play Krul so I like Alternating Current in my build for the constant slows.
The Eve of Harvest would give you enough energy regen. Don't spam your A too much unless you can land it. Your B also uses a lot of energy, so if possible, use your perk to slow enemies to land your skillshots unless they are too mobile. If you can land your skillshots, you won't run out of energy that fast since the enemy would be dead before you do run out of energy.
But I do admit that reim's skillshots are hard to land.
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Thanks for sharing your opinion tho'.
But I do admit that reim's skillshots are hard to land.