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No Threat |
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Adagio |
Adagio is easy to smash unless he has armor. But if you are sure that the adagio will buy armor, I recommend rushing bonesaw and your tyrant first. |
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Taka |
Taka could be the most useless hero if you have a decent stunner or a celeste, reim or kestrel on your team. If he abuses his escape skill, he will be really useless later on. |
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Celeste |
Most early game carries like celeste can be annoying early game, but it is a good concept to counter her with a good build like this. |
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Ardan |
It is common for most Ardans to focus on getting health items, and some focus on attacking the carry, which is a common idea for all. This build is considered hard to counter ardan because ardan is known for his brute strength and high health. |
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Reim |
Reim is probably one of the first balanced heroes in the vainglory history because I notice that Reim's win-lose stats are somewhat equal to Petal's, but Reim's skillset isn't that scary. But I am expecting a buff later on so once that happens, let's enjoy to the fullest |
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Vox |
Despite the fact Vox was nerfed a lot before then, Vox is still a great match for the build. Vox's skillset won't take much effect to the build but is really going to take a toll on him. |
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Glaive |
Glaive is a high-health mobile hero who deals incredible damage late game, so you could consider him as melee-ringo. He is very versatile and despite the fact he has high health, he is extremely strong at catching up. |
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Joule |
Joule is really strong and is known for her unique skillset, but her flaw is that her Heroic Perk concentrates on front defense. She is easily broken down by back attacks but it all lies on the enemy's skill. |
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Krul |
Krul is the master of 1v1s but Krul is usually weak to kiting experts. Krul has one of the most annoying skillsets yet even if not commonly used, very tempting. Though krul has been nerfed a couple of times before, I rate him 6. If you are to ask me "What if he was never nerfed?" Expect me to rate 11. |
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Ringo |
I give your fellow ringo a 6 because why not? Ringos nowadays usually overuse wp, but I find the presence of cp really low yet strong. Ringo's skillset is really annoying, because when your leg or "thing for mobility and moving" is damaged, you musn't wait for all the hits to be hit on you. |
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SAW is known for his early game presence, but that depends on the player. If he is aggressive or passive towards you, then you'll have to see for yourself. |
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Skaarf |
Skaarf is again, the early game heroes that try to aim at you as best as they can. Skaarf is not played that much ever since he got the nerf. The skillset is easily countered, but is notably harsh for games with no tanks. |
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Catherine |
Catherine is a nuisance mid-late, so I have given you a preference to go with my build. But since caths aren't that common, rest assure. |
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Fortress |
Fortress is known for being a great partner with SAW, which is why he is danger. Though, since he is well compatible with SAW, SAW is easy to break down and Fortress has a bad skillset for running, because it Is known commonly for chasing down. Fortress is also a good tank, which I why I don't recommend this build for countering fortress. |
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Koshka |
Koshka is one of the most agile and strong heroes early-mid. Common koshka games have invades in lane, and most koshka ganks work out in early game by 76% (great guessing, Clog!). She is the one who will maintain the status of the team, and later on will leave it to the carry. Her skillset is a fear to you, but the game is changed depending on you |
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Rona |
Rona's presence is really low but she is still being used. You could say she is a really crazed killer compared to koshka. She deals tremendous dmg to make you fear her. Her skillset is nonetheless extreme. |
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Petal |
Ever since she was sort of nerfed, she was still a really annoying "moving plant". Her skillset was changed, but it could also be more annoying. When you go for a 1v1 and your enemy says " No scout traps! " Rest assured.. Extra bramblethorn seeds. |
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Phinn |
Phinn could be slow, but I don't think that if he catches up to you he'll let you off. Phinn's skillset is also feared by most melee heroes, but if nearby ranged carries,
"I guess there's next time." |
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Skye |
Skye is known for her mobility and escaping skills, and you could say she is good for kiting but I could say that "Brokenstrel" is a better pick. Skye is rarely used nowadays but is still a great gamechanger hero for the team. |
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Blackfeather |
Blackfeather is broken |
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Kestrel |
Kestrel is broken |
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No Threat |
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