This is a pretty straight-forward build. I've eschewed any crystal enhancements in favor of absolutely brutal basic attacks. I mean insanely brutal... you can clear out a group of the little mobs in a couple seconds and take down an enemy player in about the same.
The key points to remember are:
- Always pop Twirling Silver before leaving home base - the base regen will tick once on the way out so it's almost free and you'll have a bit of speed boost
- Be nimble. Play at the edges, stay behind your tanks. Dart in and out to snipe. When in doubt, disengage
- Unless you're deep in cover or very far behind safe lines, your ultimate is going to get you ganked. With the WP 6x6-shooter Ringo, push the ulti out until last and level the Achilles and Twirling Silver sooner
- You can stay in the 2nd lvl (Travel) boots for a while. Save the Journey boots for very last unless you need the little extra armor/shield sooner
- With those 2nd boots & your Twirling Silver speed boost, you're one of the (if not the) fastest characters in the game - which means you can RTB for regen/shopping and get back into battle quickly
- Stay. Out. Of. The. Jungle. Just don't. The lane is your bread and butter. Don't do it for gold mines, and expect if you're going for the Kraken that you'll get ganked. The only exception being...
- Once you've picked up Bonesaw, watch for opportunities to support your teammates (yes, even if you have to dip into the jungle, and yes I know this contradicts the advice immediately above)
- I usually go for the final items in this order: Sorrowblade, Bonesaw, Serpent Mask, Tornado Trigger. You can mix it up a bit depending on what you're up against
- For instance, if you're up against double laners or ranged in the lane, you might want Barbed Needle sooner to stay on station longer
- If you're fighting enemies mixed with their mobs, remember you get a free crit when you kill something, so you can alternate shots: target mob, kill & crit ready, target enemy player & crit, repeat. It takes a bit of finesse, but you can eke out some great extra damage that way
- If you have $50 when you're at base & a free slot, buy a mine. They're super useful - I try to always put one in the jungle right below where I'm at in the lane. (Immediately to your side of the top part of the Crystal mine, for instance - sneaky enemies try to jump you from behind there when you advance past midway)
- Once you hit lvl 12 and have most of those core items, you can solo turrets without the mobs around & only taking a bit of damage before destroying them
- The Bonesaw along with Serpent MAsk is sneaky... you may be able to stand firm against enemy players you wouldn't normally have thought you could
- Remember your Achilles Shot will be maxed and can do crazy damage - if you have the mana for it and you're in the last part of a close fight it's preferable to do that damage all in one shot vs. popping Twirling Silver and spreading it out over too much time
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