Hey guys! Wanna be apart of the next big thing! You can start by joining our community! Just follow us on Twitter and if you think you got what it takes to roll with the big dogs hit us up with a try out request! We are looking for skilled players. Not so much skill teir wise. But being simply amazing olny puts you ahead of the appaclant list! We ask for knowledge of gameplay and activity! TOXICITY IS IGNORED AND UNWANTED! So come hop in game with us or just chat it up with us! We stream on Frostglave's stream Twitch.tv/facerollgaming, hopefully we'll have a 24 hour stream by summer! Weather were the team for you or not, I ask you to stay tuned in our community and support us as we climb to the top of the vainglorious community! I personally appreciate this wonderful Vainglory community, so this is our gift to you! We'll continue to give you guys what you want to see. So stay tuned for the next explosive content! And remember YOU can be featured next on main stream! And be sure to follow us on Twitter and add us in game!
if your in a guild all ready and want to expand your community with ours or want to play against us in up coming events please follow us and be involved with our community on Twitter and twitch :)
And be sure if you haven't already to follow Our sponsor on twitcH and Twitter! Twitch.Tv/DzLiveOnTwitch - @DZlive_
IGN: GuapOnVertigoTwo
Follow me on Twitter before add message me on Twitter to play
Twitter: @iGuapalupe
I'm a very experienced player just on a new account
Old accounts iGuapalupe and GuapOnVertigoTwo both are hotness
I am VGDutchman and I'd like to join Vertigo
My main account is in The Hotness gold, highest = SA bronze
I do believe I have the skills of SA gold, but I always do solo queue so it's hard to climb
I main Ringo, if you'd like to test me out just add me in-game :)
IGN: TeraByte
Skill tier: Simply Amazing
Main: Ringo , Glaive
Also good with: Koshka , Taka
Looking for teammates!
My skill tier is vainglorious bronze and my ign is Chuck57
I main ringo and vox and i like to think I'm a high elo laner I can also use all the other laners and I am in the Na region
I have been looking for a guild for ages now and would be really happy to team up with you! I am an experienced player i have started the game with jungle style but now I'm rocking in the lane with Vox. My skill tier is The hotness (lvl7) in Gold, but fighting up my way to vainglorious. If you would like to play with me add me: Balixx
IGN: Balixx
Skill Tier: The Hotness Gold
Main Caracter: Vox
Good with: Taka, Ardan, Koshka, Saw
Hey guys I have consulted the guild of your application add me in game GuapOnVertigoTwo it might be just GuapOnVertigo by time you read this. If your still interested send me a message stating what you have to offer to the guild and from there ill let the guild leader put you on applicants roster! You must have team speak and band to be accepted. If not you will remain on roster for 2 weeks until you get the apps necessary for team communications. Thanks for your intrest hope to hear from you soon!
IGN: GuapOnVertigoTwo
Follow me on Twitter before add message me on Twitter to play
Twitter: @iGuapalupe
I'm a very experienced player just on a new account
Old accounts iGuapalupe and GuapOnVertigoTwo both are hotness
Hey guys I have consulted the guild of your application add me in game GuapOnVertigoTwo it might be just GuapOnVertigo by time you read this. If your still interested send me a message stating what you have to offer to the guild and from there ill let the guild leader put you on applicants roster! You must have team speak and band to be accepted. If not you will remain on roster for 2 weeks until you get the apps necessary for team communications. Thanks for your intrest hope to hear from you soon!
IGN: GuapOnVertigoTwo
Follow me on Twitter before add message me on Twitter to play
Twitter: @iGuapalupe
I'm a very experienced player just on a new account
Old accounts iGuapalupe and GuapOnVertigoTwo both are hotness
Hey everyone in vertigo. My friend who knows some of you says you guys might take me in your guild and that I should apply.
IGN: SilverKat (I'll change it to like KatOnVertigo or SilverOnVertgo if I get in)
Skill tier atm: Hotness but if I got coached a little I might be able to get up to SA :)
Main lane: Ringo
Main jungle: Taka
Alt lane: Vox
Alt jungle: Krul
Server: NA
Timezone: West coast Will be getting online at 8:00am and 4:00pm
Currently Practiceing: Fortress (don't have him but gonna get him as soon as he's on glory unlocks)
Worst heroes: SAW Petal
I like to play high damage heroes with either high mobility or at least decent mobility. I'm practicing fortress so I can actually play a support hero and I'm choosing him of all cuz he looks like he has a decent a damage output and I can't play without damage. He also had high mobility which I need. Guap and other vertigo members, ADD ME! :D btw Guap I would add you but it didn't work :( you just try to add me and hopefully that'll work. I friended your iGuap acc but the GuapOnVertigo or GuapOnVertgoTwo both didn't work :-/
Hey team Vertigo! I currently have 427 wins and I want to join a group of fellow experienced players. I am In-game friends with xBEOWULFx who is already on team Vertigo.
IGN: ThoseWhoLive
I am in the Central Timezone (NA)
I can play any hero except for Saw, Petal, Adagio, or Fortress. I usually jungle or lane with Celeste or Joule.
I am currently in SA through almost solely SoloQ, so to say the least, it was brutal and I am looking for a team to help me get to the next level.
Thanks for your consideration, and if I am invited to tryout please reach out to me in-game (I am active= 2-4 hours a day)
VaingloryFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite VG hero’s build and strategy.
IGN: GuapOnVertigoTwo
Follow me on Twitter before add message me on Twitter to play
Twitter: @iGuapalupe
I'm a very experienced player just on a new account
Old accounts iGuapalupe and GuapOnVertigoTwo both are hotness
Notable (1)
Posts: 6
Skill tier: Simply Amazing
Also good with:
Looking for teammates!
Posts: 8
Posts: 2
Posts: 1
Skill Tier: The Hotness Gold
Main Caracter: Vox
Good with: Taka, Ardan, Koshka, Saw
Posts: 2
Posts: 1
IGN: GuapOnVertigoTwo
Follow me on Twitter before add message me on Twitter to play
Twitter: @iGuapalupe
I'm a very experienced player just on a new account
Old accounts iGuapalupe and GuapOnVertigoTwo both are hotness
Notable (1)
Posts: 6
IGN: GuapOnVertigoTwo
Follow me on Twitter before add message me on Twitter to play
Twitter: @iGuapalupe
I'm a very experienced player just on a new account
Old accounts iGuapalupe and GuapOnVertigoTwo both are hotness
Notable (1)
Posts: 6
Posts: 1
Posts: 1