Hello guys! I'm just wondering what the vainglory community things of the newly released captain hero in Vainglory. Is she OP or underpowered? I would like to here your thoughts! :)
IGN: Blissey123 Hero mains: Lyra, Catherine, Koshka, Idris, Celeste, Kestrel, Flicker,Celeste Heroes that I am good at but I don't have: Joule Practicing: Kestrel, Celeste, Vox, Idris
Tier: Worthy Foe Silver
Best Heroes: Lyra, Catherine, Idris, Kestrel, Koshka, Vox, Celeste
I think grace is almost broken right now to be honest. As a roamer she starts off pretty weak. Her defense isn't very good and she sucks up energy like a vacuum. Once you get to your 2nd or 3rd item though you become a powerhouse. Especially as more team fights start breaking out. She is a really brutal initiator, forcing enemies to either run away, try to block a Slot B, or try to stun her out of her Slot B.
As a CP jungle she is just as broken. If you farm like nuts and get a shatterglass ASAP, you can literally 1 hit half or more of the enemy carries health. Your heal and damage reduction are both through the roof as well. She has really op wave clear, which gives her a lot of opportunities for stealing enemy jungle farm or small gaps between ganks in the lane which will provide an insane amount of pressure.
She really does well in the late game where more fights start happening. The fact that all her abilities get cool down bonuses when you successfully complete a chained basic attack mean that her heal is almost usable every 10 seconds if you have a contraption/stormcrown combined with a CP infusion.
Grace is definitely in a really strong position right now, and she has a lot of things to keep herself and her team alive. What you need to keep in mind, however, is that she is incredibly susceptible to high mobility and especially stuns and silence's. She needs to charge her Slot B and her ult which can both be easy to stun, and high mobility makes it harder for her to land abilities and chained basic attacks.
These are just my thoughts and observations on grace. Sorry if I turned it into a manual about her lol. Overall I think she is a really great hero with a lot of power but some really nasty set backs to help balance her out.
IGN: Prodigy955
Server: NA
Role: Roam
Main: Ardan
Improvement comes from learning from your mistakes and fixing them, not just pointing them out.
Never play WP Grace into a triple ranged team composition, (<-How to counter Grace) I got destroyed
She counters melee characters quite well as they will either have to sacrifice damage to dodge Holy Nova or get stunned. (the best option is actually to dodge the stun because she will be punished but there's always that one teammate that does not move out of the way -_-) Benediction is really annoying, but her Divine Intervention is even more annoying D: ( Poisoned Shiv)
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A Taka on Kaiten XD
Unless you're Taka. Just kidding, but tbh, Taka / Blackfeather / Catherine will rekt Grace until she overdrive her B(cannot be stunned and can be used as a reflex block), though, mortal wound and good timing of Crucible can save your team. Also, urge the WP source of your team to build Poisoned Shiv unless the hero is Rona/Fortress/Taka etc. Her A? Pretty much inevitable. However, it means she's far from her team especially when she overdrive her A. Capitalise on that to stun her. She usually use her B right after, so just walk away. Yes, you can dodge it even if she walks slightly further to try to stun you, just walk into the right direction. Something like how you want to run when using Kaku as Taka.
Honestly I think that a good Grace is hell of a nightmare to deal with. Her Roam path encourages a very powerful early game aggresive comp, and can be very effective. Her CP Jungle path is so tanky especially with the extra armour and shield from her passive. WP power crit jungle is insane, they should probably nerf her.
And the craziest thing about Grace? Her 3.7 movement speed. She out speeds every hero except a Flicker in stealth mode, crazy mobile.
My friend hates Grace so much that he refuses to even speak her name.
IGN: Blissey123 Hero mains: Lyra, Catherine, Koshka, Idris, Celeste, Kestrel, Flicker,Celeste Heroes that I am good at but I don't have: Joule Practicing: Kestrel, Celeste, Vox, Idris
Tier: Worthy Foe Silver
Best Heroes: Lyra, Catherine, Idris, Kestrel, Koshka, Vox, Celeste
What the heck. She is so fast she is almost as fast as Gwen with her skedadle perk!
It's like she is made to dominate 1v1s and pin enemies down.
I have another question.(View it on the editied title name)
IGN: Blissey123 Hero mains: Lyra, Catherine, Koshka, Idris, Celeste, Kestrel, Flicker,Celeste Heroes that I am good at but I don't have: Joule Practicing: Kestrel, Celeste, Vox, Idris
Tier: Worthy Foe Silver
Best Heroes: Lyra, Catherine, Idris, Kestrel, Koshka, Vox, Celeste
Anyway, my thought on this is that Grace is really powerful when used well, and can nearly never be beaten and that her ult is op. Fortunately, a smart roamer(or whatever role it is) will save their stun to negate her ult as when you do, the channel is interrupted and there will be no healing(they'll still have the full l holy shield though).
IGN: MaximusPrime
Region: NA
Rank: Vainglorious Bronze(until soloq makes me drop)
Mains: Kinetic, Malene, Ardan "Good warriors fight hard, but great warriors fight smart" -MaximusPrime
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Hero mains: Lyra, Catherine, Koshka, Idris, Celeste, Kestrel, Flicker,Celeste
Heroes that I am good at but I don't have: Joule
Practicing: Kestrel, Celeste, Vox, Idris
Tier: Worthy Foe Silver
Best Heroes: Lyra, Catherine, Idris, Kestrel, Koshka, Vox, Celeste
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Server: NA
Role: Roam
Main: Ardan
Improvement comes from learning from your mistakes and fixing them, not just pointing them out.
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Hero mains: Lyra, Catherine, Koshka, Idris, Celeste, Kestrel, Flicker,Celeste
Heroes that I am good at but I don't have: Joule
Practicing: Kestrel, Celeste, Vox, Idris
Tier: Worthy Foe Silver
Best Heroes: Lyra, Catherine, Idris, Kestrel, Koshka, Vox, Celeste
Notable (17)
Posts: 151
Server: NA
Role: Roam
Main: Ardan
Improvement comes from learning from your mistakes and fixing them, not just pointing them out.
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Hero mains: Lyra, Catherine, Koshka, Idris, Celeste, Kestrel, Flicker,Celeste
Heroes that I am good at but I don't have: Joule
Practicing: Kestrel, Celeste, Vox, Idris
Tier: Worthy Foe Silver
Best Heroes: Lyra, Catherine, Idris, Kestrel, Koshka, Vox, Celeste
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Region: NA
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"Good warriors fight hard, but great warriors fight smart" -MaximusPrime
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