I took a nap, and was awoken by a Startling Thought.
You know how there are those moments where you go to sleep and sudden wake up with a groundbreaking discovery?
CP SAW is absurdly weak early game.
But what about a Semi Carry SAW with Stormcrown?
An early Stormguard Banner can help to fix the problem of weak clear speed.
Basically, your final Build combines into Stormcrown and Halcyon Chargers for cooldown so you can spam your poke skills early on. Then it builds into Broken Myth and a ton of Armor. Or maybe even roam items :0 Or you could play a standard carry and throw in a Shatterglass :3
Back when War Horn(Basically Stormcrown and War Treads combined) was still a thing, I used to try out a War Horn CP Semi Carry SAW. It works, as you have insane wave clear speed and allows you to be super aggressive early game but is extremely risky as you can get ganked really easily so having lots of scout traps/the captain in lane helps prevent that. I like the idea though, I will probably add the build in my guide soon. (Credit will be given)
I am insulted. Adagio is bae :3
Also, I only just saw ur guide today, and its really well done. You deserved the win in the contest :3
(Thumbs upped it :D)
I used to SUCK at SAW. Now, I feel comfortable playing him in ranked. Wonderful build. I really liked the heros that synergize section. That was really smart!
Thanks for the feedback! SAW is an extremely underrated hero that is constantly overlooked in ranked play and can be really powerful when played well. I'm glad my guide helped you!
This, this build. It's freaking beautiful. Usually whenever somebody sees u going cp SAW they go like why you don't go wp. But this build shows the true power of what SAW can actually do. Also nice how you included how to use him with greatest potential possible
Thanks for the compliment! I try and show the best of what every hero can become, and since people thinks CP SAW is weak and useless, I decided to make a guide showing the true potential of CP SAW. I wish the best of luck to you on using him!
Great guide, BUT I think Petal should be a bit higher up on the threat meter. Her munions WILL destroy you. Her allies will protect her so the enemies cant get to her. And you cannot run from her because 1) SAW is WAY to slow and 2) Her munions can follow you a long way
CP Petal is very hard to counter because she can actually deal damage faster than you.
Thanks for the feedback! I will definitely put Petal up a bit higher and revise some of the other threats that have become outdated when I have the time.
But then she'll spam a bunch of seeds and probably have a bunch of them up before you can use your B again since you typically don't wanna focus the munions and use your abilities mostly for enemy heroes.
Honestly this is (to me)the best build for saw when going CP but I'm curious why would u you max out the first and third ablilties instead ablility one and two? I use CP saw too
I like to max out Suppressing Fire and Mad Cannon because you can do tons of poke damage from behind your teammates and burst them down from afar instead of having to get close up and possibly being stunned and bursted down. Also, your ult provides the much needed health and damage while your abilities are on cooldown. I'll add a build for maxing out the A and B when I have time if you prefer that over maxing out the B and ult.
Hey man, been looking for a saw huid that isnt weapon and isnt trash eother. I think this might be the one! You know what you're talking about and have good strategy. I like anything lane and im new to trying saw. Thanks for the guid! Thumbs up from me.
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You know how there are those moments where you go to sleep and sudden wake up with a groundbreaking discovery?
But what about a Semi Carry
An early
Basically, your final Build combines into
Also, I only just saw ur guide today, and its really well done. You deserved the win in the contest :3
(Thumbs upped it :D)
P.S. Did you like the Bonus chapter?
CP Petal is very hard to counter because she can actually deal damage faster than you.