If you're using alternating current like tension bow (only for the first hit damage), it does less damage than shatterglass in a X-retsu>Kaiten>Autoattack combo unless you have something like 2 shatterglasses. It's also difficult to make it so that your first attack will do it because that involves attacking a minion and then waiting when you could be last-hitting.
I get the impression you also like it for the attack speed on it, so it could be good. But the way I play taka they or I am usually running, so I can only really get a single autoattack in straight after a spell.
I keep seeing you in most of the Taka guides... I think you should make one if you think your good with him :)
Alternating Current gives a boosted attack every 2nd attack you do. Something like Tension Bow, just without armor piece. So you can switch it out. And you don't have to put my name there xD
If you're using alternating current like tension bow (only for the first hit damage), it does less damage than shatterglass in a X-retsu>Kaiten>Autoattack combo unless you have something like 2 shatterglasses. It's also difficult to make it so that your first attack will do it because that involves attacking a minion and then waiting when you could be last-hitting.
I get the impression you also like it for the attack speed on it, so it could be good. But the way I play taka they or I am usually running, so I can only really get a single autoattack in straight after a spell.
Tornado Trigger might help for optional 6th item core. Yes, too much damage build without attack speed item is on my mind firstly, but as you suggest to put a attack speed item. This might be a terrible build. Thanks! Oh the codes? I really intend to do that ;) but anyway, really appreciate the code guide. Thanks Zyronl. Going to update soon.
Alternating Current gives a boosted attack every 2nd attack you do. Something like Tension Bow, just without armor piece. So you can switch it out. And you don't have to put my name there xD
Tornado Trigger might help for optional 6th item core. Yes, too much damage build without attack speed item is on my mind firstly, but as you suggest to put a attack speed item. This might be a terrible build. Thanks! Oh the codes? I really intend to do that ;) but anyway, really appreciate the code guide. Thanks Zyronl. Going to update soon.
You should fix some of the typos and errors. You misunderstood the codes and did for example, [x-retsu]. It should be double bracket " " and " " x-rektsu
Also, the build focus on a lot of damage, yet there is nothing to boost your attack speed. Perhaps a Bonesaw or tornado trigger, but I'll suggest alternating current if nobody takes armor in the enemy team.
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If you're using alternating current like tension bow (only for the first hit damage), it does less damage than shatterglass in a X-retsu>Kaiten>Autoattack combo unless you have something like 2 shatterglasses. It's also difficult to make it so that your first attack will do it because that involves attacking a minion and then waiting when you could be last-hitting.
I get the impression you also like it for the attack speed on it, so it could be good. But the way I play taka they or I am usually running, so I can only really get a single autoattack in straight after a spell.
I keep seeing you in most of the Taka guides... I think you should make one if you think your good with him :)
If you're using alternating current like tension bow (only for the first hit damage), it does less damage than shatterglass in a X-retsu>Kaiten>Autoattack combo unless you have something like 2 shatterglasses. It's also difficult to make it so that your first attack will do it because that involves attacking a minion and then waiting when you could be last-hitting.
I get the impression you also like it for the attack speed on it, so it could be good. But the way I play taka they or I am usually running, so I can only really get a single autoattack in straight after a spell.
Tornado Trigger might help for optional 6th item core. Yes, too much damage build without attack speed item is on my mind firstly, but as you suggest to put a attack speed item. This might be a terrible build. Thanks! Oh the codes? I really intend to do that ;) but anyway, really appreciate the code guide. Thanks Zyronl. Going to update soon.
You should fix some of the typos and errors. You misunderstood the codes and did for example, [x-retsu]. It should be double bracket " " and " " x-rektsu
Also, the build focus on a lot of damage, yet there is nothing to boost your attack speed. Perhaps a Bonesaw or tornado trigger, but I'll suggest alternating current if nobody takes armor in the enemy team.