I love skaarf i always use it because i'm so used to this hero but i'm a little dissapointed how weak its defense, and also its tier 3 skin. It will be much better if it will look like toothless in how to train your dragon, a black one making its goop like a worm hole and its fire a sasuke's fire (black one) at least make his last skin a badass one.
Dude chunkface thank you so much. I used this build for my first time using skaarf and I got 12 kills!!! It was the free rotation and I maxed out the third ability. I killed enemies using the third ability alone. I kid you not this is the first time I've used Skaarf. It's so awesome!!! Thank you so much!!!
So far the most deadlist pusher ive seen so far whenever petal saw me she tries to kill me but it turns out she got burnt to crisp with my ulti love to see her teamates run from me. :D
This seems to be getting a lot of comments, so I guess I'll ask here:
Has anyone tried:
A) Tanky Weapon Skaarf, because the passive applies % hp damage if you autoattack a lot?
B) Almost Full Tank Skaarf, because the passive and ultimate deal a ton of damage no matter what?
It would be interesting to see guides for these. I haven't had a chance to play skaarf yet because he's not free yet.
1 thing, i feel goop and the goop fire should have a a larger radius.
I play krul almost exclusivly now because of how well i can play him, not bragging, but he's my exact playstyle. Getting to the point, i build krul with skill reduction and shield or armor so i become very tanky while maintining a good offense, able to take on 2 at once if not majorly stunned. Most players, at least at the moment in the development of this game, attack krul because they know he is squishy and not good for a long fight, so as everone circles around to attack me, having an aoe high damage dealer, pop out of a bush with a huge burst is very very helpful.
I think the best option is to keep skaarf on a team woth two other melee, one to tank the other to be mobile and pick off those running away or towards the max range skaarf. Every battle so far using this has been sucessful, so i guess using skaarf well is based on the compadability and cooporation of the team as a whole.WASTE OF GLORY.
I rarely get aces in games but with skaarf my team aced the opposing team twice. So yes skaarf sucks alone but can single handedly turn a single kill battle into an ace one.
And sorry but your rating for krul applies to some but not all builds. 2autoattacks, 1 dead man rush with health barrier, blade throw after health barrier drops, spectral smite, should be enough to kill skaarf at least one without a ton of defense, in one go plus leaving krul unscrathced.
I get this character. It's all about strategy, spitfire and goop. It's final attack, Dragon Breath, is also really powerful and useful. But the price for it is definitely not worth it. I used my hard-earned glories, to purchase this little mage (worth 8,000 glories). It's pretty good and powerful but not worth it's price. If it's worth 6,000 I can see it's pricing but 8,000 for Skaarf? I regretted wasting 8,000 glories on Skaarf, Taka is by-far way more powerful and is way more fun to play, for the same price. If you do happen to get 8,000 glories, don't bother wasting it on Skaarf, the hero does not come close to Taka's power and abilities, and they're both worth the same price tag. Skaarf is a fun new hero, but is a disappointment when the price of it is brought up. It is also a huge disappointment when it is compared to the other hero worth it's same price, which is Taka.
Guys, don't spend your money on Skaarf! The worst hero on the game. You need the hole team to be with you at all time or you are useless. And when you are with your team, you remain pretty useless aswell. Don't even think of farming on the jungle, you'll get kill by anything (and I don't mean by enemy heroes). You are so slow and weak that lane farming is really hard aswell. You need your hole team to be amazing and the enemy team to be pityful or you'll lose everytime. I hate the fact that I spent 8,000 on this awful hero. If you want to lose, pick Skaarf and you'll make it!
I'm guessing you wrote this because A) you know his true potential and do not want anyone to use it ;) or B) you have no clue how to use him. Because everything you said here I excel at with this character.
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Has anyone tried:
A) Tanky Weapon Skaarf, because the passive applies % hp damage if you autoattack a lot?
B) Almost Full Tank Skaarf, because the passive and ultimate deal a ton of damage no matter what?
It would be interesting to see guides for these. I haven't had a chance to play skaarf yet because he's not free yet.
1 thing, i feel goop and the goop fire should have a a larger radius.
I play krul almost exclusivly now because of how well i can play him, not bragging, but he's my exact playstyle. Getting to the point, i build krul with skill reduction and shield or armor so i become very tanky while maintining a good offense, able to take on 2 at once if not majorly stunned. Most players, at least at the moment in the development of this game, attack krul because they know he is squishy and not good for a long fight, so as everone circles around to attack me, having an aoe high damage dealer, pop out of a bush with a huge burst is very very helpful.
I think the best option is to keep skaarf on a team woth two other melee, one to tank the other to be mobile and pick off those running away or towards the max range skaarf. Every battle so far using this has been sucessful, so i guess using skaarf well is based on the compadability and cooporation of the team as a whole.WASTE OF GLORY.
I rarely get aces in games but with skaarf my team aced the opposing team twice. So yes skaarf sucks alone but can single handedly turn a single kill battle into an ace one.
And sorry but your rating for krul applies to some but not all builds. 2autoattacks, 1 dead man rush with health barrier, blade throw after health barrier drops, spectral smite, should be enough to kill skaarf at least one without a ton of defense, in one go plus leaving krul unscrathced.
Guys, don't spend your money on Skaarf! The worst hero on the game. You need the hole team to be with you at all time or you are useless. And when you are with your team, you remain pretty useless aswell. Don't even think of farming on the jungle, you'll get kill by anything (and I don't mean by enemy heroes). You are so slow and weak that lane farming is really hard aswell. You need your hole team to be amazing and the enemy team to be pityful or you'll lose everytime. I hate the fact that I spent 8,000 on this awful hero. If you want to lose, pick Skaarf and you'll make it!
I'm guessing you wrote this because A) you know his true potential and do not want anyone to use it ;) or B) you have no clue how to use him. Because everything you said here I excel at with this character.
Oh yea, total rektage. This skaarfy is like Ezreal, perhaps thats why i like him.
Same here