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Schlechteste skillung überhaupt, keine Lebensregeneration, schwache Kristallregenartion. Und man wird so schnell umgehauen das man gar nicht zum stunnen kommt! also das ist eine absolut undurchdachte Skillung!!!!
I apreciate constructive critism presented in a polite way, however it's unacceptable to be judging and even hating. There is no reason for you to be saying this is a troll guide, and I find your last sentence very offensive. If you want to take the fun out of this game, please, not here. Vain glory is about fun and experimenting. Here's one one joule http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/guide/super-skill-recharge-joule-162#lastcomment
Why don't you go spread hate there.
I'm sorry if you were offended by my comments. I did not think this was a serious guide. I know builds that repeat the same item, and that is all that I meant by a "troll guide." These builds are not viable and aren't intended to make produce great results with any hero (they're still fun). In the last sentence, I was simply stating this fact and was not trying to hate. I did offer the criticism constructively above.
Not trying to take away the fun, sorry if I was being overly rude :)
Why don't you go spread hate there.
Clockwork by itself is a horrible cheese item, because cooldown accel gives a diminishing return (so more than 1 Clockwork is a waste of money).
Sorry, I'm not sure if this is a troll guide, but you certainly won't be trolling anyone with this build.