Krul has always been known as a 1v1 champ as he can regain health and has an incredible attack speed. However since his major nerf about 6 updates ago, he can only be mastered by skilled players. One day I was bored and decided to make a taka out of Krul (guess this reference in the comments). So I built items like you would for a burst fire Ringo. I also decided to support the lane more often then the jungle and try to gank the enemy team. My first match I went 20-0, and I was appalled. I have seen though that it helps against almost all range characters and some jungle. So if you run into a team with Skarf, Taka, and Ardan you are in luck.
Your basic mode of attack is this: First attack a creep and get you alternating current and aftershock ready for a quick burst of crystal dmg. Also wait for you tension bow to load up as well as your passive while sneaking in a bush. Then wait for an unsuspecting target and attack Unleashing about 500 dmg in one second. This build is basically a early game master and as long as you discourage them they will be hopeless. However I recommend playing with a party and not solo queuing so you can coordinate every attack, so you can let your team draw them in and go for the kill.
Aside from how to use the build, I would like to talk about why this is a good alternative to the native (hit 8 times then use spectral smite.) After attacking the enemy from the brush after a burst of speed, his attack does around 75% on his burst, and around 1/4 of the time. I am not discouraging the normal build, however taka and koshka will now be useless against him. I also urge you to avoid going first in a team fight rather letting your 2 team mates get their attention then attack.
I would highly recommend this to a person who enjoys burst and krul all the same. If you have a any questions of comments, please comment and I will answer with a valid answer :)
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