Good call 000calc1, other guides have been removed. We will focus specifically on Koshka. I've been playing around with some other items this last week that have been DRASTICALLY increasing the bust damage....Stay tuned and check in regularly for these new updates. Should be up before next weekend.
Also, please Thumbs Up/Up Vote!!!!
The more attention this guide gets, the more time I'll invest in making the the ultimate 2 second kill build.
I really love your koshka guide. The idea of using Yummy Catnip
frenzy to initiate is great. I think that you should remove the Joule and Petal guides as it makes the guide sort of messy and confusing, while not adding much more information.
Thanks Dshi009 for the add for when they go shield. And I'm sorry I didn't have the chart things up. Last time I updated I must have hit something and deleted them. I have them back up now!
I think we all know to go for Broken Myth If they build shield to counter you, right? Right? Of course.
If I were to use this build(Which I will in a few mere moments) The final build I would have is:
Journey Boots
Some Defensive Item(Situational)
Eye Of Harvest
Alternating Current
I switch the Eye or Alternating Current out for Broken Myth.
Oh and because I'm curious, why do you not use the 'chart thingy'? Where you could put in the items to buy.
No thank you Panther333 for the input! I'll have to check out that build with Eve of Harvest and Blazing Salvo. Like you, I'm always looking to improve. Don't be surprised if those make it into the above guide.
Nice Guide! I build a little different focusing on Eve of Harvest as my second tier 3 item and keep a Blazing Salvo to speed up my cool down. I totally agree with your ability chart.. Best way to go. I'll have to try this build as she's my main and I always look for improvements with builds. Thanks Again!
Good thinking. I usually use Yummy Catnip Frenzy to start then hit Twirly Death (especially when you have Aftershock because of the bonus damage). That gives you a GREAT initial burst of damage that typically does a good psychological blow to your enemy. They start running and you will have a speed boost from your attack so you can keep up for awhile. Once that runs out, I hit them with Pouncy Fun and that usually finishes them off.
The key with Koshka is to do as much damage as possible since she tends to be pretty squishy. If you swap out some items for life/defense boosts you could last longer in battle, but you will suffer in damage.
If you catch someone alone, going with Pouncy Fun first due to the shorter cool down will allow you to maintain more damage. As long as an enemy team mate doesn't make a surprise appearance!
Thanks Zeonet! I'll put that in my notes above for 1v1 conflicts
Just asking if you can use pouncy fun to initiate then use Yummy Catnip Frenzy and finish it with twirly death and use pouncy fun again if they ran away since pouncy fun has a quick cooldown (if you do a basic attack between using abilities, which also deal bonus damage since you have aftershock) ,other than that it's a good build.
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Also, please Thumbs Up/Up Vote!!!!
The more attention this guide gets, the more time I'll invest in making the the ultimate 2 second kill build.
Thank you everyone!
frenzy to initiate is great. I think that you should remove the Joule and Petal guides as it makes the guide sort of messy and confusing, while not adding much more information.
If I were to use this build(Which I will in a few mere moments) The final build I would have is:
Journey Boots
Some Defensive Item(Situational)
Eye Of Harvest
Alternating Current
I switch the Eye or Alternating Current out for Broken Myth.
Oh and because I'm curious, why do you not use the 'chart thingy'? Where you could put in the items to buy.
The key with
If you catch someone alone, going with
Thanks Zeonet! I'll put that in my notes above for 1v1 conflicts