Honestly SAW has to learn how to reflex block a skill, which is like, thre basics in the most literal sense, however, SAW does have some extreme ups and downs.
For the OP, CP vox is viable, an alternating current and then either a BM or AS (or both) and basically thats it.
This build was based off being able to do single target damage while also being able to AOE damage(being simultaneously a burst sniper and a mage).Alas,when in parties,the other team usually spread out a lot and force so much pressure onto vox that he always have to reposition to get resonance bounces,and that is to say running infront of/away from your support or jungle in order to get these resonance bounces to deal enough damage.Compiled with the fact that it just takes one person to aim down vox and he is out of the fight,your team's damage output is drastically decreased,ESPECIALLY because the vox WOULD try to focus on the person aiming him or her.Even using this build,the 1v1 potential is in the opponents favour rather than vox's favour.This makes him a rather different mage,having to conpensate for a lot of his weaknesses,it makes him very vulnerable and not dishing out damage while other heroes is either the first or the latter,with only a single point to consider while cp vox has both and possibly even more.That is also the reason why in competitive plays eve of harvest is ran over aftershock.Vox needs to survive,aftershock,although does provide healing,does not do as much as eve of harvest.Then again,running eve of harvest makes room for way more counters.Hence,vox is now in a weaker spot compared to other mages,and having way more room for error.He is like genji in overwatch,just without enough damage.Futhermore,this also makes vox's sustain pure utterly underpowered.Running aftershock decreases his healing mid combat,while being able to have decent objective(gold mine,kraken,etc)taking while running eve does give more sustain BUT after a succesful teamfight,you cant get objective fast enough!This makes other mage laners just superior compared to cp vox.Yes he is viable,but HOW viable?Maybe he is very strong in lower ranks as people dont know how to counter him.But put into high rank games vox just isnt the carry he should be.
Haha, i think Saw is easier to begin with in lane. So much so that most of low elo Saw's don't even know that sttuter-stepping is good ! They try Ringo after a few wins and realize they're bad at laning but they'd rather think Ringo is **** !
Saw in fact is hard to play.I agree.But having a team that knows how to play around him makes him very powerful and easy to play.Once you mastered when to use your shank and boots it would be much easier to play him.Timing is key with saw,while cp vox requires timing,more emphasis on positioning and better target acquisition while saw just needs to the first carry close to him.
Yea he is hard to play(2nd hardest in my opinion)
True, both of you are true.
Early game SAW is a complete force of nature unless he meets a very spell-happy Lyra, which is something SAW simply can't Roadie Run around every time it happens like Vox's Sonic Zoom, to me Vox is the third hardest in terms of positioning, (Joule is second due to her perk). I enjoy CP SAW the most because it allows him more freedom compared to WP.
Having a team that can play around him is the main part of your point, but SAW simply doesn't exist in High ELO, like S.A and POA, because the counters to his WP path is 100& effective, meaning less people understand how to co-operate with SAW.
Most people who get invaded in early JG while SAW is in lane simply rage-pings him when he walks slower than my pet turtle when it's cold, compared to a Sonic Zooming Vox.
*sarcasm starts*
And you simply want to give them a big happy hug when they all continue to blame you when they start to purposely feed.
*Sarcasm ends*
WP SAW faces the very detrimental Atlas Pauldron which he can't always reflex block at a certain notice, and is a single target hero compared to CP Vox.
If CP Vox get's Atlas Pauldron debuffed, he can simply dash away and recoup or fire off a silence and still do decent AOE damage.
CP SAW isn't as affected unless he get's an Alternating Current, which is a rather moot item since Aftershock is procc-ed and used by his Roadie Run to deal 15% Max Health on top of Base CP damage and CP Ratio damage along with the crazier 45% Missing Health at T5 R.Run.
He is one of my mains and I enjoy playing many heroes in VG, Vox is also another one of my frequently played heroes, so I understand what you're putting across.
It's just that the instant you don't have two tanky heroes taking the frontlines for you, SAW becomes THE BIGGEST sitting duck if your R.Run isn't available for use and using Suppressing Fire to gain Spin Upstacks or do damage depending on your build is basically suicide with a side of extra ACE late game.
CP SAW can get away with it if he has sufficient cooldown, but WP SAW just made his bed and promptly has to lay in it.
As for low ELO SAWs, it's hilarious once you get A.Pauldron and proceed to walk up and tear their SAW to bits and walk off.
It's even more satisfying when they are normal skin SAW, since I have the T2 skin after trying to get the cards for sooooo long.
This is exactly why saw is labeled "hard" for difficulty.I agree with you,but saw DOES exist in SA and POA.In fact,the saws here can reposition very well and are able to block atlas pauldron consistently.If they cant,the roam can.Futhermore,saw is only picked when the opposing team has no mages and the team having tanky heroes or strong early game heroes like glaive.These combined make saw really strong in matches even in high elo.Tho cp saw is seen more in high elo(his burst is insane).Saws big counter is usually mage(as mentioned) or something like krul which reduces his damage.Which is also the reason why saw isnt played in high elo.There are multiple instances where cp lane carries are picked in high elo(around 60% of the time)just because of lance and phinn always getting picked 1st and is able to protect these mages well.Any mage can male saws lane a nightmare,even vox.But vox just does not do enough to push him out of lane effectively and consistently.Only a very experienced vox would know how to counter saw ,but it isnt effective in most cases.Saw can just sit outside of vox's resonance range(which is 5.0) and safely farm,which emphasises vox's weakness.Vox just has too much counters in yhe current meta that it isnt safe to use him as a mage,rather use him as a sniper with wp items,which in fact scales extremely well into the late game.WP vox is also technically a better alternative to ringo in team fights,with the ultimate being much more useful and does more damage.
Apparently this went from a vox discussion to a saw discussion XD
P.s.Low elo is too easy,in got swagger gold i got 18/0 as wp skye with a TAKA(skye counter just in case you didnt know) on the other team.Made the entire team or guild in that match rage quit(i was jungle and was dominating the jungle).I even went in 1 on 3 and won XD(maybe thats y they quit :P)
Lol, it does seem to be a SAW discussion now.
I do know Taka is the counter to Skye, I mean I did make a whole guide about it, lol
I know that SAW does rxist in high elo, in fact I main him CP in the lane and sometimes go for a WP when there aren't any darn Celestes or other mages popping about and blowing him up.
It's just that whenever I play, I have rarely seen Koshka, SAW, Ozo and other random people like Joule.
Just because those heroes seemed out of meta every one avoids them XD(btw koshka,s pretty strong with as,bm and shatterglass the burst is OMG so strong)and joule,well VERY underpowered in ranked.Oh yeah another reason why these heroes are not used is their ults have no significant impact on the match.Compare glaives afterburn to ozo's ult,which is stronger?
Jeez these poorly balanced heroes SEMC Y U DO DIS :*(
Yeah, its pretty true.
To me Glaive is still pretty broken in terms of always managing to fly around and Afterburn me into oblivion, and when you reflex block you have to time it in mid air so you can eiter still fly back and block stun or more rambling because this sentence doesn't make much sense anymore.
Koshka is pretty strong, its just the rework messed me up hard.
Glaive OP!jkjk.My reactions are fast enough to block glaive knockback so glaive to me feels a bit weak when i am the lane carry(on ringo or kestrel or wp vox)as i can just kite around him very quickly.
Hm. For me, POA Glaives always seem to carry a Shiversteel when they aren't on my team, or are simply so fed that they just tear my person to bits before I begin to lift a finger. On my team Glaive just sits around and dies. I have quick reflexes when I know that Glaive is around, but Reflex Block never seems to help when Glaive just slices me up. When I'm not being a derp Glaive is still a pain since Solo Que people don't want to counter him ever.
Well if a glaive afterburns to you likely he will activate shiversteel before he afterburns.So using a reflex block would likely block the shiversteel too.Afterwards just boot away.Glaive is not going to be able to 1v1 u if u kite properly.And in this case as he has a shiversteel he will either have not much defence(as in armor or shield) or mobility or damage.Build defence againat him and you will be fine.If he boots towards you,kite back(into him and then past him)if u have defence against him and back to your team(assuming glaive is inbetween you and your team).Although u will take damage,if the glaive chases u ,he is dead cuz he doesnt have a afterburn or boots to run away and your team will likely focus glaive down as he is alone.
Well, yeah, I'm usually getting stuck on really bad teams, now I got flushed down into Silver S.Amazing. It really sucks.
Glaive is usually dead when he focuses on me, but since my team just doesn't care most of the time in solo queue, it's aggravating to fight anyone since no back up is ever there.
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For the OP, CP vox is viable, an alternating current and then either a BM or AS (or both) and basically thats it.
Yea he is hard to play(2nd hardest in my opinion)
Early game
Having a team that can play around him is the main part of your point, but SAW simply doesn't exist in High ELO, like S.A and POA, because the counters to his WP path is 100& effective, meaning less people understand how to co-operate with SAW.
Most people who get invaded in early JG while SAW is in lane simply rage-pings him when he walks slower than my pet turtle when it's cold, compared to a Sonic Zooming Vox.
*sarcasm starts*
And you simply want to give them a big happy hug when they all continue to blame you when they start to purposely feed.
*Sarcasm ends*
WP SAW faces the very detrimental Atlas Pauldron which he can't always reflex block at a certain notice, and is a single target hero compared to CP Vox.
If CP Vox get's Atlas Pauldron debuffed, he can simply dash away and recoup or fire off a silence and still do decent AOE damage.
CP SAW isn't as affected unless he get's an
He is one of my mains and I enjoy playing many heroes in VG, Vox is also another one of my frequently played heroes, so I understand what you're putting across.
It's just that the instant you don't have two tanky heroes taking the frontlines for you, SAW becomes THE BIGGEST sitting duck if your R.Run isn't available for use and using
CP SAW can get away with it if he has sufficient cooldown, but WP SAW just made his bed and promptly has to lay in it.
As for low ELO SAWs, it's hilarious once you get A.Pauldron and proceed to walk up and tear their SAW to bits and walk off.
It's even more satisfying when they are normal skin SAW, since I have the T2 skin after trying to get the cards for sooooo long.
Apparently this went from a vox discussion to a saw discussion XD
P.s.Low elo is too easy,in got swagger gold i got 18/0 as wp skye with a TAKA(skye counter just in case you didnt know) on the other team.Made the entire team or guild in that match rage quit(i was jungle and was dominating the jungle).I even went in 1 on 3 and won XD(maybe thats y they quit :P)
I do know Taka is the counter to Skye, I mean I did make a whole guide about it, lol
I know that SAW does rxist in high elo, in fact I main him CP in the lane and sometimes go for a WP when there aren't any darn Celestes or other mages popping about and blowing him up.
It's just that whenever I play, I have rarely seen Koshka, SAW, Ozo and other random people like Joule.
Jeez these poorly balanced heroes SEMC Y U DO DIS :*(
To me Glaive is still pretty broken in terms of always managing to fly around and Afterburn me into oblivion, and when you reflex block you have to time it in mid air so you can eiter still fly back and block stun or more rambling because this sentence doesn't make much sense anymore.
Koshka is pretty strong, its just the rework messed me up hard.
Glaive is usually dead when he focuses on me, but since my team just doesn't care most of the time in solo queue, it's aggravating to fight anyone since no back up is ever there.