This build is usually associated with douchebag players who install lock Ringo. No defensive item is evident in the build as the players think it's uneccessary for them to buy defensive items. This dillusion is caused by the players arrogance and saltiness. It's also very common in trolls to not buy defensive items. If the insta Locker ringo feels that he is being attacked by pings, he will enter the range of a turret and let it repedeatly shoot him, until he dies. This is also known as a "**** move" as it jeopardises the team's overall performance and usually results in the deaths of the remaining heroes. Abruptly after Ringo's death he would ping the start eyes emoji to the other players, showing how much of a douchebag he is. This player also constantly pings the roamer to buy vision. The roamers common response is for the player to buy defensive items. The player would usually respond with the laughing emoji ( second face). The only issue with Ringo's pings are that they make his teammates salty and because the roamer already has multiple scout traps layer down, only Ringo is at fault.
During the late game one of two things happen. Option 1: The player trolls by purposely dieing to turrets and pings rude gestures to his fellow teammates. Option 2: The player participates in team fights but gets melted as he has no defence whatsoever. Both Options result in the downfall of the team and the inevitable loss to follow.
Please don't Insta lock, it's not funny for anyone.
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