Hi. This is my first build that I have created. I have had great amounts of success with this build as it provides ridiculous amounts of burst especially against squishy targets. It is must try against comps with squishy laners as
the build is capable of one-shotting with a (C) engage and (A) combo. (B) is primarily used as gap closer or escape tool. Be vary while
building this against bulky targets who can tank your abilities or have high sustain. Build a defense item by sacrificing Shatterglass in such a case(Celestial Shroud or Aegis)
Mid-game is your strongest phase. If you get few early kills you can really start steamrolling. In Late-game, let your Late-game scaling carries soften the enemy up before you engage for the kill. Be vary as you are pretty squishy and will have to have awareness to prevent getting caught of guard. Try going for invading the enemy jungle for their healing treant or orb treant if you know you are safe. Also jungle tip,
while invading enemy jungle dont kill the smaller minion with the treant. This prevents the treant from spawning resulting in less heal for the enemy.
P.S. I forgot to mention. I prefer building War Greaves as they provide more survivabilty, you are a mobile hero as it is. Also Halcyon Chargers are a bit of a waste due to recharging cap from Aftershock and Stormcrown. Also you may choose to build Shatterglass before Aftershock. I personally prefer to build Aftershock first due to lower cooldown for the ultimate and sustain.
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