Guide explanation is accurate but
- Too much attack speed. You're going be your team's carry except when there's an enemy tank who can easily spend 1900 gold on Atlas Pauldron.
- Building attack speed for on hit purposes is a good idea, but too much is overrated.
- You need a **** ton of gold just to finish the early game items. 2600 + 2600 + 3000 = 8200.
- You'd need to slog through 20 minutes in the game to start building the defensive items. You're fragile during early game and middle game.
- Building Breaking Point is a bad idea. You're fragile and you have no items that can keep you alive much longer during team fights. You'd get Breaking Point up to 5 to 8 stacks before you even die.
- An enemy carry can absolutely turn you to ****.
- Buying straight attack speed items during early game without building boots first will leave you much more vulnerable to jungle invades from the enemy.
- Getting triple teamed especially when you don't have armor, an enemy Kestrel can literally One Shot One Kill you.
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- Too much attack speed. You're going be your team's carry except when there's an enemy tank who can easily spend 1900 gold on
- Building attack speed for on hit purposes is a good idea, but too much is overrated.
- You need a **** ton of gold just to finish the early game items. 2600 + 2600 + 3000 = 8200.
- You'd need to slog through 20 minutes in the game to start building the defensive items. You're fragile during early game and middle game.
- Building
- An enemy carry can absolutely turn you to ****.
- Buying straight attack speed items during early game without building boots first will leave you much more vulnerable to jungle invades from the enemy.
- Getting triple teamed especially when you don't have armor, an enemy