First of all, well done Kofy! It can be clearly seen that your build only focus on team utility (with 6 active items), and people love that type of captain.
Though Echo consumes lots energy if you make a double shot espresso (I mean double Blast Tremor xD), you will be completely fine as long as you spare your energy during off-combat times. However, suggesting that it can be replaced by Aftershock is a no-no, my friend.
Comparing to Echo, Aftershock provides not only less energy recharge but also zero bonus max energy. Meanwhile, it give you extra cooldown speed, so you will drain all your energy in no time. If you still insist on purchasing Aftershock, then consider exchanging War Treads for Halcyon Chargers too!
One last thing, I cannot see the reason why you make your guide title "I Won't Even Remember You". Since you are not capable of dealing damage, you obviously won't be able to wipe out any enemies on your own. So why, man?
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One last thing, I cannot see the reason why you make your guide title "I Won't Even Remember You". Since you are not capable of dealing damage, you obviously won't be able to wipe out any enemies on your own. So why, man?