Hey guys! This is TheOrangeOreo. I usually use Ringo, Glaive, Adagio or Krul. I've been playing for a few months before the major Joule update, so I guess I'm kinda experienced. (I use a different username ingame). This will be the first guide I'll make, and in it, I'm going to give some tips on how to work well with your teammates and to get the win.
The game already starts during the team queuing screen. Before you choose your hero, you should first check who your teammates are building. If both of your teammates choose low-health heroes, then maybe you should get someone tanky like Glaive or Joule. If both of them are getting ranged heroes, then maybe you should choose someone melee. Always analyze your teammates' choices before making yours. It will really help during team fights.
Always get two health potions. At the start of the game. They save lives. The other 399 gold you have is up to you to spend. If you plan on going farming first, choose the ironguard contract. Also, check on what your teammates' choices are. If they're both building weapon power, build crystal, and vice versa. If all of you are building one kind of power, then the enemy team will easily beat you if they choose the right defense items.
If one of your teammates is either Adagio, Ringo, or Saw, let them lane by themselves. It is best to let them lane while you and your teammate jungle. If you're using either Adagio or Ringo, and your teammate is Saw, let Saw lane while you jungle because Saw is the best laner in the game.
When jungling, don't steal your teammates' kills. That simply isn't cool. Always stay near each other just in case an enemy shows up. If you think you're ready, start jungling on your enemy's side. Ask your teammate to go with you by using the "GO" sign. If your teammate does this to you, confirm by using the "OMW" or deny by using "AVOID".
Once the mining starts, get the minion mine right away. You need the advantage as early as possible. If possible, get the minion mine in your opponent's side, but be careful. Don't get the gold mine right away. It isn't practical. Get the gold mine only when you see the gold mine's clock thing is more than half. If you get it before that, the payout isn't worth it.
When getting the mines, be careful just in case an enemy is in the bushes ready to take the last hit. Use your abilities on the mines to ensure you get the last hit.
Continue jungling until midgame.
So yeah, those are all the tips I can give. I hope you guys liked this guide! Have fun dominating!
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